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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. i don't know! but i'd say a start would be to talk to them not as if you think they are wrong, but as a (and i know this won't agree with most of you, nor does it me, but cough it up in the name of communication) fellow brother/sister under god, and attempt to show them that there are other ways to find 'the way' through life. that you can still be a good, wholesome, spiritual person without the rigidity of evangelicalism, that their idea of salvation can exists in many forms, that each man, unto himself, will fight his own demons through life, and in the end will face them under his own terms. that their god does not want a race so judgemental and that by being so is only driving them away from their fellow man and would 'god' really want that? to me, this makes way more sense than the punch line "focus on your damn family" or wishing a bout of herpes to them and their own, or comparing their likes to al qaeda. that kind of stuff is really only fuel for their already out of control fire.
  2. the key: Making them understand this isn't going to be accomplished by insulting them. If anything at all, that is only going to further their conclusion that you are a lost soul/demonic. Ever talked to any of these kinds of people? It's like talking to a brick wall. They're completely brainwashed and lost. Interventions, I doubt, would even do anything for them. I think the only way to kind of win this war, is to get them while they're young, before they're so set in their ways.
  3. i know everything........ hahaha.. *cough* mypsace! *cough*
  4. that sucks matty. toronto can be a really cold city sometimes. nothin' to do but move on.. i hope all goes well in boston for you!
  5. impaired drivers KILL people. their lives DESERVE to be made a little more difficult.
  6. Birdy

    Canada and Kyoto

    looks like blane knows a little more about kyoto than i do! i need to do some more research before coming out ablazin' in this one, but i do know that i'm not the only one in the world that has lifted an eyebrow to the sort of industrial redistribution that kyoto could mean. hell, i recall reading an article calling Kyoto socialism's "TROJAN HORSE". i can't be that far off.
  7. you're ok! moles have a life cycle, they come, they grow, they leave. the only thing to be concerned with mole-wise is when they grow in a weird irregular shape or have a weird colouring. edit to add: that being said, i'm no doctor. just a girl with a few freckles who asked her doctor about them one time.
  8. Birdy

    Canada and Kyoto

    i agree, the oil sands of Alberta aren't going anywhere, but industry is and will, so Kyoto, while it may be helping Alberta with the huge amounts of posion that they blast into the atmosphere everyday, certainly won't be doing wonders for the rest of the globe. Saving one to pollute another is not an answer.
  9. Birdy

    Canada and Kyoto

    are you guys NUTS? where have you been for the last two decades? industry has been packing up shop and leaving for quite some time, and really from a purely economical standpoint, why wouldn't they? if you can get the job done for half the price in India than you can in Ohio, you'd be an idiot not to. Kyoto would just be another nail in this already half in the ground coffin. And you're right dj, i don't want Canada involved, it's less, more like far-removed from perfect. i'd rather a Canada that seeks a better solution. I'm with Harper in that we shouldn't settle for crap, but not with him in the sheer laziness of actually being proactive and funding research to seek out a solution! And yes, i'd agree with your analysis of Dubya's position... frankly i think he puts all issues on the backburner to get through losing this war.
  10. Birdy

    Canada and Kyoto

    Who really cares if my position is a "carbon copy" (which it's not) of Dubya's? If Dubya doesn't want to industrialize the world over, than frankly, i can wholeheartedly, without a guilty conscience say, I AGREE! There's absolutely nothing EVIL about my feelings on the Kyoto Protocol Hux!!! (of course, i do appreciate that you take EVERY opportunity you can to paint that picture!) To again be simplistic, what do you think is going to happen if industry switches shores to underdeveloped nations? those nations are going to GROW!! things like increased home consumption and SUVS hittin' the roads are tell tale signs of prospering nations, it's only a matter of time.
  11. Birdy

    Canada and Kyoto

    I feel exactly the opposite way. If you want to drive the cloud of pollution that hangs over our heads clear across the globe to hang over the head of say someone in Kuala Lumpur, than Kyoto is your friend. Kyoto will do nothing but shut down existing industry in profitable nations and leave capitalists with no real alternative but to pack their bags, hit the ocean freighters and open up shop in an under developed nation with fewer environmental restrictions. Industrializing the world isn't my idea of positive environmental reform. "oooh, look, the smog has cleared over Canada, but what is that ungodly sight growing and glowing over Bali?". Shifting the haze from the rich to the poor? NO THANKS. standing by Kyoto is 'settling' for second best. it isn't true global reform, it's buying time as we fuck over another little corner of the world. it has the heart, but not the brains. why would any country support this when we could focus on creating a global climate change initiative that WOULD actually work? no offense, but on behalf of all people who don't have smog towers in their backyards, fuck Kyoto.
  12. Very sad! RIP Ed... you were always one of my favs!
  13. lol... now that's funny ollie. haha thanks again everyone! and ps. i'm with you hamilton, pigeons suck. once while walking down the street completely minding my own business, a pigeon scooped down and smoked me right in the head... naturally i had no clue what was going on, started screaming and running like a lunatic down the road, to turn around and realize my attacker was a stupid pigeon.
  14. friggin' 'i fought the law (and the law won)', before that it was 'bad, bad leroy brown', and before that it was 'goin' to the chapel', and before that it was 'ain't no mountain high enough'. :crazy: 'under the boardwalk' just finished and we've moved onto 'love potion no. 9'. good times. "poetry in motion"
  15. cj, i'm totally with you lady! there's nothing worse than walking out of the workplace at friggin' quarter to six in COMPLETE DARKNESS! HATE THAT! not only that but fack... it's been bloody friggin' raining for like... EVER! fall was ripped out right under our feet... and then the other day in Canadian tire i had to walk past ten aisles of 'christmas ideas' to find a bloody screw. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! hahaa! c'mon MAY!
  16. simcoes'alright.. i lived there for a month somewhere down the line! sweet avatar DEM!!
  17. again, i'm so behind the times!
  18. oh i'm so behind the times.
  19. no, boneheads who resort to personal insults in a debate SUCK. thanks for the kind words in this thread! it's really nice to hear them. and to share some good news that i think all of us can be happy about, the wickedly evil little horny devil of a general, Rumsfield has resigned!!
  20. no hang in there with that hope!
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