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Everything posted by edger

  1. Wow, this is fun! The suspense is killing me. I will be away from the internet after 4:00pm this afternoon until mid-Sunday. Does that mean that I can't choose to claim the two DVDs if I happen to win? If this is the case Greg, I could always send you my choices in advance... Who am I kidding, I'm really not that lucky anyways... Thanks again!
  2. Todd and I would LOOOOVVVVVEEEE these DVDs. Hook a girl up!
  3. Wow! What a treat last night. Jerry Douglas and Paul Simon in one night. I was in heaven! Jerry Douglas and his band were on fire. They are so bloody good. I heard him say that he is hoping to return in the Spring with Alison Kraus. Count me in for that one for sure!!! Paul Simon was also great. Man that little man (I never really realized how short he is) can really sing and dance. He's so eloquent!. His band was ultra talented. Each musician was able to play multiple instruments. And what was it... like four encores? I thought the night was never going to end (and that is not a complaint). Couple of false alarms for me though... I kept thinking the show was over. The venue is great too. That was my first time seeing a concert there. Great sound, and good sightlines. Nice to see some of you Skanks outside between Douglas' and Simon's sets. Always a treat! Oh sweet satisfaction!
  4. What makes you think that Drawbar? As far as I know we're still all a bunch of lushes... Ken will manage!
  5. Call me crazy, but I don't think this sounds that crazy. It's nice to know he's atleast thinking about it...
  6. Shitty deal Greg. I know it's something your mama always told you, but icing and elevation are crucial. I've had multiple, multiple ankle incidences and that seriously can mean days of difference when it comes to recovery. Advil may actually be more effective than Perks in terms of inflammation (albeit not as fun I'm sure)
  7. It's a big old tree. We don't have too many of those still kicking around these parts I'm afraid. I'm hoping to go livingstoned. I just have to check my "date book" and ensure that I can make it. She actually played last night as well, as part of a presentation given by Gravel Watch (an organization that is trying to prevent yet another quarry from digging up our Niagara Escarpment) Good on her!
  8. Unfortunately we already committed to Paul Simon tonight. I hope the show goes well though. Who knows, if we're feeling really crazy, maybe we'll try and rush back for the tail end of the show. Cheers!
  9. Try and get an afternoon slot or something at one of the Come Together Festivals (or something equivalent to that). As much as I love supporting new bands, like Tonin said, there are only so many hours in a day, and so it is hard to pick and choose which shows to go to. That said, I have always loved Come Together because it provides me with the opportunity to hear a whole host of bands that I may otherwise have not gone out to see. A little exposure there could get things rolling for you.
  10. To the R to the I to the S to the C to the O to the E?? (Not sure about that "E", hopefully I got that right!!)
  11. Yeah, I was impressed. Definitely a huge collection of originals. I forgot how much I like the Underground... great venue. Picked up a disc to get my Trucker's collection started. What a treat to see them there, and there was certainly plenty of room to mill about. I was expecting it to be busier. Sorry didn't make it to Chester's guys, but by the time we got our shit together it was show time. Nice to see Willy, Whiteymuseum, Paul, Alexis, FairySari, NewRider, etc. Questcequecest, do I know you? I feel like I should, but I can't seem to put a face to your name. Anyhow, hopefully you enjoyed the show. Thanks for bringing these guys around Brodie!
  12. No post-show for us, and pre-show Todd and I are having dinner with his parents (it's his mom's birthday)... So, unfortunately a little pre-game action is looking slim for us. But if we can make it over to C'est What, we will. Jerry Douglas and Paul Simon in the same bloody night! I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy!
  13. In case anyone might be interested: Sarah Harmer Benefit Concert to Save the Great White Oak Enjoy the music of renowned Canadian singer/songwriter, Sarah Harmer AND help save the Great White Oak on Bronte Road, at the same time! Sarah Harmer has agreed to perform a benefit concert at the Halton Region Auditorium on November 5 at 2pm, with proceeds going to save the Great White Oak. The tickets are $30.00 each. Order them today by phone (905-815-2021) or order online www.oakvillecentre.ca/ambassador.htm as seating is limited and tickets are sure to go quickly! For more information please visit http://www.elgar.ca/The_Great_White_Oak.htm If anyone is into the Escarpment Blues (both musically and principally), than this show is for you!
  14. Insert (((((healing scrotum vibes)))) here!
  15. I'll circulate the Chester's idea to my lushy buddies... It will probably go over well!
  16. And your value just keeps appreciating MarcO! Are you considering this one now?
  17. Booche has a great idea as we were chatting towards the end of the night at the bar. I mentioned, that the one thing that is nice about a festival, is that instead of the music ending right now, many of us would be heading to a fire for a good old acoustic jam (one of my all-time favourite past times). He quickly replied with "fuck the festival" let's all go camping instead! Todd and I both love that idea, and MarcO sounded like he'd be on board as well. I figure a few of us should head up your way again in the late spring/early summer to take in some of the beautiful parks around your area, and hopefully a bunch of you can join us. Admission? Must bring a guitar, vocals, drum, or fuel for the "fire"
  18. edger

    North Korea

    Thanks Brian, I appreciate your insight on this. SEnding my love to you and Sunghee (apology in advance if I spelt her name wrong)
  19. You guys should really lay off that shit... it's bad for you! On second thought I'm in for a dose of that as well!
  20. I'm going down with some friends from the Dundas/Flamborough area. Not sure if you'd know any of them or not. Anywhoo, they mentioned possibly going by PJs for a beer beforehand. What do you think of that?
  21. In for the Hammer as well. What time are you guys thinking you'll head down? Do you think this show will go right until 2:00am? If so, that's going to hurt a little on a Wednesday morning...
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