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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Was poking around for a sample Dylan/Band track for someone and I usually go straight to this site for all my Band recording/show/boots etc info. This one hurts http://theband.hiof.no/
  2. Great song! 'Giant Step' is one of my favourite Taj albums. :thumbup: Just to note, the Clapton/Waltz version is called "Further on up the road".
  3. I could make a huge list to be honest but here's ten that really get alot of play... Trouble Soon Be Over - Blind Willie Johnson Walking Blues - Son House Trouble Hearted Blues - Ishman Bracey New Prisoner Blues - Doc Boggs Rock Me Mama - Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup Knockin' Down Casey Jones - Wilmer Watts & The Lonely Eagles Dry Bones - Bascom Lamar Lunsford Death Of Blind Boy Fuller #1 - Brownie McGhee Three Times A Fool - Amos Milburn Oh Death, Where Is Thy Sting? - Rev. J.M Gates
  4. To add, I actually find people with cameras to be more of an annoyance, since they are either pushing people around or bothering you asking to "squeeze by" while showing their camera to you as if it is some sorta pass to get closer to the stage.
  5. They haven't bothered me to be honest, then again, I'm usually paying attention to the show, not the people around me. Although, I did expirence some annoyance (indirectly) due to cell phones I guess, but it was the people I was with continually complainig about it & taking time to bother me with "look, another idiot on a phone during the show" instead of just having fun. As for people using them at festivals/parking lots, meh - I really don't care enough to concern myself with what other people are doing, I'm there for the music & party not to meet or watch people.
  6. That's the ringtone I've had for just over a year now.
  7. Thanks for the link, bookmarked for when I have some time to listen. Nostrovia!
  8. Master whiskey taster or a contract killer.
  9. http://www.gamegum.com/game/1857/heroin-hero/
  10. Jimi Hendrix (w. Curtis Knight & The Squires) - Knock Yourself Out (1965) Studio Sessions
  11. Esau.


    Bison/Buffalo is great, a friend's family farms the a few amongst their cattle, great stuff (we BBQ'd up 6lbs of bison at CTMF in 2001) although its been a few years since I enjoyed any. Usually every march or april (since 1997) I get a some caribou & musk ox sent to me from a friend in the Yukon, this year it was all caribou, which we finsihed this afternoon, now we're left with three dozen moose burgers or so from last fall's hunt...looks like we got one good BBQ left and the summer just began....
  12. Esau.


    We BBQ'd caribou loins today, so I had to miss out on the free burger...life sucks.
  13. I picked up a copy of Chulahoma back in march based soley on the fact it was a tribute to Kimbrough and wasn't very impressed with it. I was just glad they didn't attempt to cover 'Sad Days, Lonely Nights' one of my personal favourites from Kimbrough. Something about them that just rubs me wrong, I feel they sound a bit too much like The White Stripes, in a weird sorta way. Perhaps I've become to rooted in my personal taste of blues music I've become a tad elitist (I think thats the word I want) about it. Then again, maybe I just don't like music..
  14. Reverend Gary Davis - The Sun Of Our Life Solos, Songs, A Sermon, 1955-1957
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