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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. I joined last week and I did a handful of searchs that turned up no one I knew outside of the same folks on myspace, so I deleted (or tired to) my account. My issues with it are, after deleting my account, its still showing up as an active account (no matter what I do) and my information is still on their record. I've emailed the support there and have been told there isn't anything they can do after I join and agree to their terms. Worst part is, if I try to log in, it says I haven't got an account, I don't have one but apparently they do on me. Also, anyone who joins and has my email address (my private email) in their address book automatically includes me in the mass "hey come join facebook" email that they send after joining (unknowingly perhaps). I have recieved about 15 from there in the last week. This has turned my private email into a new spam playground, I went from three of four spam emails a week to about fifty today alone. Argh, what a mess. Time for a new email address I guess.
  2. Here's one for Baj. Cheers [color:red]Bob Dylan And Johnny Cash Nashville 1969 http://www.bobsboots.com/CdS/cd-n04.html CBS Studio A, Nashville, TN February 17&18, 1969 Cash Show, Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN May1, 1969 Tracks: One Too Many Mornings (#1) One Too Many Mornings (#2) Good Ol' Mountain Dew (Lunsford/Wiseman) I Still Miss Someone (J Cash / Roy Cash) Careless Love (Trad) Matchbox (Carl Perkins) That's Alright Mama (A. Crudup) Big River (J Cash) Girl Of The North Country I Walk The Line (J Cash) You Are My Sunshine (Davis / Mitchell) Ring Of Fire (Carter / Kilgore) Guess Things Happen That Way (Clement) Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Trad) Blues Yodel #1 (T for Texas) (J Rodgers) Blues Yodel #2 (J Rodgers) Johnny Cash Show: I Threw It All Away Living The Blues Girl Of The North Country Review: http://www.bobsboots.com/CdS/cd-n04.html These recordings are from the famous sessions with Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins that produced the Girl Of The North Country version that was released on Nashville Skyline. All takes are great sound quality, but the material is loose, and nothing would pass the scrutiny of an official release. The most interesting thing is hearing Dylan sing harmony with Johnny. Rarely does one ever get an opportunity to hear Dylan as a backup singer. The first track was released on a Johnny Cash video entitled Johnny Cash, The Man And His Music. No other tracks were released from this session. The final three tracks are from the Johnny Cash Show. Recorded at The Ryman on May 1, 1969, the show was aired on ABC TV on June 7, 1969. This CD is mp3. All tracks tagged, text file and CD artwork included. Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash - Nashville 1969 http://www.sendspace.com/file/psz087
  3. I'm uploading the disc to sendspace Baj, should be available in about an hour or so.
  4. CBS Studio A, Nashville, TN February 17 & 18, 1969 Cash Show, Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN May 1, 1969
  5. Mel brown! man, its been a long time since I saw him play.
  6. Awesome shit. I have both those videos in somewhat better quality on these comps. Although, the Love Valley version of 'Mountain Jam' isn't any longer.
  7. Just for the record, being one of the old Fat Cats loving board members... I have liked SloCo since I was introduced to their music in 2002-2003 from a friend in Cape Breton. I even tried to get them up here back then, but it wasn't the right time I guess. I was glad to finally see them on the same bill as Fatties as its something I have talked about for awhile.
  8. All of which would make sense to me, except for the fact I have read just as many (probally more) bad reviews/opinons on here about each of those bands as I have about SloCo. Sorry man, but I still don't get where your going with this. What I see is alot of people like/love SloCo and a few don't.
  9. Seems more like an explanation your trying to invoke, more then expose to me.
  10. I still fail to see any "implied comparison" in this thread to Fat Cats or "roots is truth, youth is bunk". Sorry, but I just don't see it. I have noticed though, this is a recurring topic for you, as this isn't the first time you've posed that question in some form or another. People like what they like.
  11. I checked the online deadbase and they only have dates as early 1965 as the Warlocks/Grateful Dead. I do have a 1964 Mother McCree's Uptown Jug Champions show from 'Top of The Tangent' Palo Alto though.
  12. The origin of the term 'hoser' is revealed. http://attaboy.ca/archives/2007/02/000986.php
  13. Esau.


    I think dima just summed it up for me in nine words. :thumbup: Jaimoe, I really need to make copies of these for you.
  14. Esau.


    Originally, I had written a long pretty detailed account to why I think I'm here, but in the end the reason was the same - Music. The partying (drug/booze scene) was part of my life before and outside of that life already. I didn't need to be part of a scene, community or family for that stuff. As for the digital community here, when I got my first computer (fall 2001) since the commodore 128 I had before the internet, I did a search for Fat Cats and found a link to the Phish Sanctuary (aka: jambands.ca) and a post from Secondtube about them. The rest here is as they say, history.
  15. I emailed my friend who has one and he's pretty sure the Rio Karmas are discontinued, aside from outside distributors and refurbished ones. He emailed me this link for the player that handles FLAC. http://www.infonec.com/site/main.php?module=detail&id=16589 And the store is in Toronto. 132 Dundas Street West - (416) 341-9900 [edit to add] There ya go, SolarGarlic's got first hand info.
  16. I know a couple folks with 20GB Rio Karma's and they play FLAC. They seem say good things about it. [edit to add] Just spoke to my brother and he says he used to play FLAC on his 30GB ipod ( link to ipod FLAC setup) but the battery life is alot less, 2-4 hours or so. He's switched to apple lossless now and says he gets about 6-8 hours battery now.
  17. Once in awhile I like to slum it, so we finished off the last half of bottle of this this morning by 9am. A family friend, Kaila (from Ireland) whose also celebrating her third year (mar.10th actually) in Canada is wearing a great shirt today, aside from it fitting her perfectly the text is great: "Irish: Another word for weird"
  18. Well, ya know this is why its a tough call. I've been meaning to get out and see you play again, especially now that your sporting the pedal steel and I have always thought SloCo and Fatties would be a great match up. But due to certian circumstances (people) I very much want to avoid. I'd much rather take a pass on this then ruin what would be a great night out.
  19. I'm not sure if they do or not, but I just wanted to say to have a good time tonight. It looks like I'm going pass, its a tough call but I think thats how its going pan out. Cheers
  20. Yeah, I have a few live versions of him playing it, with and without Bob. But, according to the few rules:
  21. Someone? Shit, guess you don't know its me. (esau, Greg...)
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