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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Theme: Songs that Neil Young has covered 1. Don Gibson - Oh Lonesome Me 2. Ian & Sylvia - Four Strong Winds 3. Jimmy Reed - Bright Lights, Big City 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  2. I'm really surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Franks Zappa's 200 Motels http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/200_Motels Sober or not this movie is bizarre.
  3. Unicorns's cost somewhere around $612,800. Since they are so sought after, the hardest part is finding a seller or person even willing to admit they have one. They have never been know for their driving skills.
  4. Yeah, I sort of worded that wrong, meant "met up with". I sort of know the one girl. I hung out with the same crowd her older sister was part of years back in 80's and early 90's, but that was the first time I've seen her in years. My problem with it all is, my name is attached to this whole deal. Last thing I need or want is to get in bad with Doug and I really hope it doesn't reflect back on him either. Yeah, I'd be inclined to agree that it wasn't my night.
  5. Two of my favourites The Trip Easy Rider
  6. Yep, the music was great. Doug was in fine form thats for sure. I ended up sticking it out to the end of the night, or at least until Doug finished up, which was maybe 1am? He won over a some new fans last night, it was pretty cool to meet new folks who had never seen Doug before and listen to them go off about how much they liked it. Although, two of the girls we met last night bolted on a beer bill - and some kitchen punk who felt he was a bouncer was trying to detain me over it. Unsuccessfully I might add. Doug won't be there next week since he's playing in Sudbury (I believe) for his birthday, but he'll be back the week after. Good to see Secondtube, qqc, Paisley and Alexis.
  7. #4 - With my old account. Although the registration date is inaccurate due to my account, but not posts disappearing in the board update in 2004. Originally, it was 02/27/02. I remember only because I was member 227 which I thought was a cool coincendence. #86 with my current account. Had I not made a new account and adding my post counts together, I'd still hold #4 with 10430.
  8. The wayback machine is your friend
  9. Right on Marc0, sounds like a great idea. For anyone interested, here's the Scantily Plaid site, I check in here since the calendar is usually pretty up to date with Doug's solo gigs, as well the bands gigs. http://www.scantilyplaid.com/main.html [edit to add] Oh and check out the sound clip of Scantily Plaid's version of "Lucky Man" (among others), awesome stuff, wish it were longer. Those small pipes kick ass.
  10. Shit..I just checked in at Scantily Plaid's website calendar..this is a weekly gig for Doug. If I didn't read it myself, I doubt I would have believed it.
  11. Ok, well thats three four of us and maybe some women (not refering to the waitresses) sounds like a good time so far! Not anymore after the housekeeping "incident".
  12. I'm tossing the idea around right now, I have a appointment in the AM at my union hall (not as early as you though) and don't plan on being too late. If you decide you want to do an hour, let me know, I'll meet up with you. An hour at that bar would suit me (and my wallet)just fine. I've been jonesin for a Doug show for quite awhile now.
  13. No, not a mountian. The Niagara escarpment runs right through here. http://www.hamiltonnature.org/publications/naturallyham/vistas.htm
  14. No shit. Now thats the oddest gig I think I have ever heard him get. Its 2 minutes from my house though, so I might just hit this up. You going?
  15. They toured with Lanois in 2005. Co-headlined and played with. I have a couple shows kickin around here. Heres some info from Lanois's site: http://www.daniellanois.com/release.htm I'm not sure if there would be any seeds still, but I know there were a few shows on Colorado tapers and bt.etree. I'll also sorta through my collection and see which shows I have on disc and get back to you.
  16. Cool, after hearing them with Lanois, I downloaded a few of their shows and enjoyed what I heard. I think I may try to hit this show up.
  17. I'm pretty sure I can fix you up with copies. Let me know.
  18. Cheers to Phil. Also, cheers to Sylvester Stewart (Sly Stone) who celebrates a birthday today.
  19. I dunno, I think marijuana could be decriminalized here one day, even the US has decriminalized small amounts of marijuana possession in 12 states (as of 2001). Oregon being the first in 1973.
  20. Sources: 1.Engelsman EL. Dutch policy on the management of drug-related problems. Br J Addiction. 1989. ;84:211–218. 2.Leuw E, Marshall IH, eds. Between Prohibition and Legalization: The Dutch Experiment in Drug Policy. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Kugler Publications; 1994 . 3.Cohen PDA. The case of the two Dutch drug policy commissions: an exercise in harm reduction, 1968–1976. In: Erickson PG, Riley DM, Cheung YW, O’Hare PA, eds. Harm Reduction: A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press; 1997. :17–31. ---------------------------- When I was there in 1997, almost half those coffe shops had been shut down, as well the laws were being enforced mainly due to the increase in under age usage and due to the growing increase in crime and negative impact that tolerance was having. [edit to add] I'm sure Shainhouse could shed some better light on the current situation seeing as he is living there.
  21. [in response to a now deleted post] That thread wasn't started by that coward and the spelling on the name is different, but its same the person no doubt about it. Either way, it appears to be gone now because I can't find it using my old account to locate, so I'm happy. Although you could have just PM'd that thread link instead of bringing it back to light. Anyway, my apologys Booche.
  22. I will once the search function works or I find it on my own. I would be happy for now, just knowing what meets the criteria for thread deletion. I don't think thats too much to ask since the ToA (if there is even one anymore) don't meet it. Sorry man, I have no problem with thread being deleted, but it would be nice to be clear on what constitutes that action ya know.
  23. Well, it was requested to your brother, but ok, so now I am requesting that happen. Isn't there something in the terms of agreement when you join about posting that sorta information anyway.
  24. Actually, since one or two of them are directly related to bullshit (lies) about me I think its is. Example: The thread were "*****" (whoever the coward was) posted my personal business and activities, as well peoples first and last names not from this board, even someones address also not from this board were posted. After numerous requests from myself and a couple of the people not from this board the thread was allowed to remain, as were their names and addresses. If thats not enough to warrant deleting a thread or at least editing it, then it would be nice, as well as fair to explain what does.
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