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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Esau.


    Things that would fill you with terror and wake you in the middle of the night. It is best that you do not know.
  2. I have a SBD of the first night in Hamilton 90, I'd have to check the other one though. I also, have an ok VCD version of the second night. I'm interested in upgrading the VCD so if anyone has a DVD copy, let me know and we'll trade. my trade list
  3. Theme: Memorable Soundtrack Songs (please include the movie title and a short description about the placement of the song) 1. The Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knocking (Blow, intro sequence) 2. Bob Dylan - Hurricane (Dazed & Confused, when Wooderson and the crew enter the pool hall) 3. Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee - Pick A Bale Of Cotton (The Jerk - playing on the front porch of Navin's house) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Post #3000 in this thread!
  4. I'm proud to say I saw six GD shows in Ontario, four of which were in my hometown. I can never decide which of the four I enjoyed the most though. I call it a tie.
  5. Esau.

    I'm Sorry

    You can stuff your sorries in a sack!
  6. Sort of, its from the short lived Peter, Paul and Lemmie era, I think that was when Mary was either pregnant or in rehab, the story is vague at best and not well documented.
  7. The beast behind our eyes is loose, The day has come, the day has come, We march to Armageddon, hungry for the war I see the hated enemy, I see what I was taught to see And one of us will bend the knee We understand the law The blood lust jerks our legs to march, Fife and drum, fife and drum Our eyes are fixed and fearless Searching for the war Our statesmen deal in blood and lies 100 million stifled cries, 100 million wasted lives Already gone before So March or Die, March or Die The stench of death is in the sky We never fail to satisfy We rend with tooth and claw Sword and shield and jackboot heel We love to kill, we love to kill We love to taste our own blood Squirm in our own gore Children weep and widows wail, Our education systems fail, To hide our guilt we build more jails, and we shall build still more Our forests die, the stranglehold That we put on the earth for gold Will yet increase ten thousand fold And no one knows what for March and die, March and die Defecate, despoil and lie Cheat, dissemble, preach & spy Build your house of straw Laugh and cry, laugh and cry Bloody sunset drowns the sky For earth to heal then we must die No-one deserves it more I tell you we are doomed my friends Our time is come, our time is come We live within a charnel house Rotten to the core We glorify lust, greed & pain We drown our hope in poison rain We point the finger, shift the blame Ambition makes us whores March or croak, march or croak All your lives a cosmic joke Fill your days with piss and smoke The wolf waits at your door Burn and dance, burn and dance Sex, death, torture, false romance Whoop and howl, you have no chance Burn and rise no more
  8. 1. Phish - Down with Disease (the dream took place at a motel which, strangely, had a small amphitheatre) 2. Sound Tribe Sector 9 - Musical Story, Yes (I have re-occuring dreams of me being seriously lost at a STS9 show.. which is a vague memory of it really happening.. And this song (well not really a song but an expert) is always playing.. freaky deaky) 3. Danny Whitten - C'Mon Baby Let's Go Downtown (Had a dream that Zappa was playing it, but someone thought it was Neil, then it was on an album, then it was on the neverending internet list....) 4. Abba - Knowing Me, Knowing You (No explaination needed) 5. Weather Girls - Its Raining Men (I'd rather not elaborate ) 6. The Slip - Love and Tears (ask daveyboy) 7. Dylan - Changing of the Guards- I was with Bob and Helena Sprins I think that my intentions were to sleep with him,.....the old Bob! and it didn't really bother me in my dream, but it kinda did when I woke up 8. Slowcoaster - Boiling Hot Leather (because all I think about these days is Jazz) 9. Zoobombs - Superman (I saw them last Saturday and that song was going through my head all night) 10. Motorhead - Iron Horse/Born To Lose 11. 12.
  9. Big fan also. Two of my favourite DVDs in my collection: Doc & Merle Watson - In Concert Doc Watson - Rare Performances 1963-1981
  10. Hmm, I think I know where that came from....
  11. Haha - I think the last piece of that one is wrapped around the base of my hookah now-a-days.
  12. Won a biscuit/donut last night. So, I'm 4 coffees and a donut out of about 21 coffees so far.
  13. Six Organs of Admittance School of the Flower
  14. Some how I missed this thread or else I would have piped up earlier. Its my ma's b-day friday and the tentative plan is to go to St. Catherines to my uncles but if we don't, I'll be around in time for making to the show.
  15. I have their self titled CD and enjoy it, haven't had the chance to see them live yet though. If my current plans change, I'll be down.
  16. Deeps, first, I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, just understand where your coming from here. You say people need to "stop pretending they love everything", yet when that did happen, you claim those people are unwilling to accept the new. I don't get it.
  17. Personally, I don't feel the need to analyze or even understand completely what any musician is doing on stage aside from creating art I enjoy and they enjoy creating. How, I enjoy that art is entirely up to me also. I understand the difference between an educated or trained musician opposed to an uneducated one like myself, who, besides a handful of chords I can half ass strum but have a shitload of fun doing regardless, really knows nothing about the theory behind it. That makes me an uneducated musician* (*term used loosely) I'm curious though to what defines an educated listener? For example, I certianly don't love everything I hear or see live thats for sure, not even by some of my favourite bands. But if I choose to focus on the things I like about their music instead of the things I don't, techinical or theoretical side of it all, does that make me an unedcuated listener?
  18. Right on Greg. Just being lazy here, but is that 12 noon? Anyway, hope all is well buddy, its been a few years eh. Greg (nee: Esau)
  19. LOL I dunno about that, they were winners that were already redeemed at his hortons - he would just give me a handful and tell me to take them to other hortons and not his.
  20. I've won maybe 4 out of 20 coffes I have bought or had given to me. I have two winning tabs on my desk here. I have a friend who owns two Hortons with his father, during last years roll up the rim whenever I would stop by his place for a couple beers I would just get a handful of winners from him.
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