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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. HAHA That was funny What a dizzy bitch hah Good ol Letterman!
  2. Sweet and 35 bucks cant go wrong there Go Obama
  3. Sweet I think the good Ol Captian Will be out with Ol Hickster haha
  4. Hey is anyone Having Pre Drinks somewheres?? Cause I am deffinatly up for Pre DRinks!!
  5. Yea Charlotte county is a bit of a slow place to new comers but just wait Festival season is coming up !! Sun Seeker, Shoreline, Evolve, and the Charlotte County Cooker is a New one that is a great party, which is right in good ol Charlotte county !! Not to mention all the nice blue grass/folk festivals that happen all over aswell, Ill be back in the summer too so we will have to have some beers, and make fun of those Kings county folk haha
  6. Cant feel bad after a good wank hahahahaha
  7. Ol'Hickster

    Canned Bacon

    How come he didnt cook it or eat it? I want some!!
  8. Its still dark when I catch the 5 30 train downtown
  9. Yea!, Bela Felck always turns my wintertime frown upside down
  10. Anything attacking something that is alseep has a advantage
  11. Yea I was thinking the Bear would be the favour aswell
  12. I got 11, but NB would deffinatly be the leader for wanting to decriminalize grass, I know how all of us Charlotte County folks would vote eh Gr8ful
  13. Yea, theres no days off for me, Theres always something you can do
  14. hahah I forgot about the shoot the boot video I took hahah That was a crazy night Jay
  15. Today was kinda a Bleh day for me aswell, and your deffinatly right about the missing out on sun, I miss it dearly, I always feel better when its sunny!
  16. Sweet Not only are the bands great cant beat cheap pints!
  17. Okay well Lets make it short and quick. Today at work we were all sitting around at lunch and we were all chatting and I dont remember how we got on to the topic but the question came up, Who do you think would win in a fight??? A Bear or a Gorilla? Any thoughts skanks?
  18. Poootie Tang.... Pootie Tang........ POOOOOOTIE TAAAAAAANG!! HAHAHAHA I searched YouTube for something funny to post up here for Pootie tang and this came up its hillarious, hahah hahahaha Cant stop laughing ( PRetty dirty......Really dirty.... Really dirty)
  19. <<< The Wheel Barow>>> <<< The Bronco Box Buster>>>
  20. Hahah Yea old Gree was what turned me on to the show and now I have season 1 and 2 downloaded lol
  21. Has anyone else seen this ?? or heard of it, I just downloaded Season one and I love it, its random and studpid as hell but I cant stop watching it haha It was on the BBC but I guess it got cancelled or something, but I dunno for sure im goin to check it out once im down watching the next episode haha
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