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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I dunno how many Brunswickers are here but this is where I will be on the 20th and 21st What a way to kick off my x mas vacation ! Hope to see some of you guys there~
  2. Im deffinatly bummed out that ill have to be missing this one, this one will be CRAZY!!!!!
  3. you are in luck - these guys have just moved to Toronto - so they will be kickin' around for the next year... hope to get these guys on the ontario circuit soon. HAHAHAHA Jay "Don King" Cleary! is getting these mean music Machines on line to take over the Ontario Title !!
  4. These guys Rock I love seeing these guys always a sweet time, too bad when they come here I will be back home DAM!!! haha Check these guys out, there awesome !
  5. Yea Im up in the air about having a snow day, I mean Im not the fondest of working in the snow but I do enjoy working, on the other hand a day of doing nothing but lazing around in the PJ's listening to tunes all day doesnt sound too bad either
  6. YEa it seemed liek a big challange to me when I did it but it not scarry at all it just takes time
  7. Sweet imdownloading this right .................NOW well acctually the download starts in 2.4 minuites haha dam rapid share lol
  8. Yea when I first opened this aswell I was expecting very lewd behaviour
  9. Still snowing herein Clarkson but its slowed down a bit
  10. hahaha This is a wicked one about the evil Hippys http://broadband.thecomedynetwork.ca/?vid=10493
  11. You guys just got me in the mood to have some kipper snacks !! Thanks guys !
  12. We got a bunch here in Clarkson I was surprised when i woke up!
  13. Yea I know sweet fuck all about Basketball but that was a Wicked Story !!
  14. A man goes to his doctors, as the doctor enters he says the the man "What seems to be the problem?". The man answers "Its My Balls doctor just have a look!" So the man pulls down his pants and much much to the surprise the man balls and swollen as big as grapefruits and are bight orange. Now the Doctor is flabergasted and hes no idea what this could be so he asks the man about his home life thinking this might lead so some sorta idea in to the problem. The Man answered " Doctor I really dont know what caused this, all I do at home is Watch Porn and eat Cheeto's"
  15. I thought mine was lost once and couldnt find it for month but then I was just about to go and try to get a new one I found it burried in a tonne of old paper work must got tossed in when i was cleaning up one day and just made its way to the bottom on the pile, now I keep it in one spot only lol
  16. Right there and your right it is a little fishing village in NB
  17. Deep enough in the country to have a little hidden concert in the woods, That sounds like a good idea
  18. Yupp alot of bullshit involved with gettign a house and I found the bigger problem was with the insurance companys, maily cause I dont live in the province that the house is in
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