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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. I cannot tell which track Patterson Hood plays on but I can say it is one fucking killer album! Certainly one that will be making my top ten list of albums of the year. A great effort by a great band.
  2. Went to the LC while it downloaded, syncing to iPod right now and I will report back shortly! I can toss you an ST invite AD but right now I can't sendspace. Tomorrow morning I probably can though.
  3. Schwa's laser arms give me the creeps!
  4. Happy Birthday. Hope you had a good one
  5. Poor you. Is this how you spend your time and thoughts? Do you have nothing better to do? Or is this just a way for you to feel better about yourself for being a dick to others? I for one, don't think it matters whether one takes the time to change their name or avatar.. personally i could care less if i change my name every so often as I'm sure some others would agree.
  6. Sweet, now I can buy a ticket with knowing that Swifty won't be there! Phew!
  7. No, you can't stab back. You suck, I don't. I rule, you lose. Take your beans and shove 'em.
  8. Fresh out of high school?!?! I've been out for over 10 years! Not to mention I read your stupid essay on Phish! If my comprehension only reaches that of a 5th grader it seems you're going to have problems finding work. College may not be university but it is WELL recognized in the industry I plan to work in. I'm working hard at it and doing well so go keep drawing money from mommy and daddy's bank account and go fuck your hat.
  9. Good news, there is an LCBO around the corner from here. Now I've got some gin and lemonade to tide me over! LONG WEEEEKEND!!!
  10. SO LUCKY! She is EXCELLENT live!
  11. The basement of the Hamilton campus flooded this afternoon sometime. Unfortunately the bar is located in the basement and they're now closed! SOMEONE PICK ME UP AND GET ME OUTTA HERE! My bus doesn't come until 4:30
  13. The Hold Steady My Morning Jacket The Black Keys
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