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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. meehhh.. F facebook. comedynetwork.ca still works. This should kill some time.
  2. Dear Work, You have blocked a lot of fun sites. Anyone know if there are ways around this?
  3. I REALLY enjoyed it. It's not the greatest and the story is kind of sloppy but I laughed really hard throughout the film. Also, LOVE that Crispin Glover is in it!!!
  4. Is that Schwa. in the middle?!?! That is SUCH a great band name! I want one of those shirts.
  5. I heard they're even measuring maxi pads for size. No face cloths will be permitted either. THANKS FACE CLOTH BOMBER!!!
  6. Five Things I Love About NXNE 1. Zeus 2. Getting to see KevO 3. Freely being able to walk backstage and tell off a dude from Universal Music. 4. That dude from Universal Music NOT punching me in the face. 5. Chris Murphy walking into me and spilling my beer and me calling him a "turbo douche" for not saying he's sorry.
  7. This is a brilliant idea! I'm checking garage sales for strollers this weekend.
  8. an Eddie Murphy cover would be beter.
  9. eww.. who let that Hawksley Workman album on there? I thought it was total shit.
  10. Is that the Eddie Murphy tune they opened set II with? That would be AMAZING!!!
  11. I entered but I'm not a Lips fan. I'd LOVE to see Spoon and Fang Island though.
  12. There's a bunch of Canadian dates on her tour. Considering the Hamilton show for the same reasons.
  13. I would also love to hear it. Heard the Toronto show was a blast.
  14. Thanks Birdy! That was wonderful
  15. I love love love it. Bloodbuzz Ohio just killllllls me!
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