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Everything posted by nibbler

  1. One of the much overlooked acts of the early 90's was The Goats Only made 2 albums, the first one was way better than the second: Tricks of the Shade 1992. All of the songs are woven together with skits in between, the whole album thus tells a larger story than the individual songs with a F.Z. Joe's Garage type continuity. They performed shows backed up by a full band- would have loved to see these guys live! I havent found much on the web, not even itunes, seems the best stuff has been kept away (by the man?) I did find a youtube video for a glimpse: If anyone has a copy of Tricks of the Shade, please hook me up, I burned a hole in the cassette a few years back.
  2. I must admit I am jaded towards this festival since the last time going there was a little too much beer and good ole boys with bloodied bats wearing white sheets; crosses burning; not so much peace love and bluegrass going on. Has it changed much or does boss hawg and his corrupt sheriffs still run this festival? How was the main stage music? How about the campground picking?
  3. T minus 12 hours till MMW groovin, 18 hours from now will be STILL be groovin to the late night Lauzon sounds. Sleep is over-rated.
  4. The Dominion is an official jazz fest venue, this gig is an official jazz fest show. The kitchen will be open and serving food until about 2; the bar is serving booze until 4. Pills at your own discretion.
  5. FYI- Large Marge also has advanced tickets available.
  6. Two great bands billed as headliners; playing full multi set shows back to back on the same night! "don't tell me this town ain't got no heart..." TWO DAYS TO GO!!!
  7. Dave Lauzon appears in good company just underneath Dave Brubeck and Dave Holland in the alphabetical listing of featured artists: at the 2009 Toronto Jazz Festival. Advanced tickets for this late night gig are available on ticketweb, and will also be available before during and after the MMW show at Nathan Phillips. Why get an advanced ticket? Because this show is gonna kick ass, and most likely WILL be sold out.
  8. Canada frequently refers to an "official nuclear waste inventory" of 25,000 tons. When we hear common discussion of the problems with nuclear power, and the difficulties in containing nuclear waste; its only these 25,000 tons that people refer to. Not that 25,000 tons of nuclear waste isn't much, but... A convenient loophole in defining nuclear waste here in Canada allows Uranium mines to leave dangerous radioactive tailings behind. Canada's "unofficial inventory" of nuclear waste is well over 1,000,000,000 tons. Elliot Lake Ontario, former home of the worlds largest Uranium mine is estimated to have a radioactive tailings inventory of over 130,000,000 tons! The Uranium tailings in the above photo appear white like a bank of snow. Don't let them fool you- notice how the once thiving landscapes burn and die when exposed to radioactive decay. Uranium mine tailings remain radioactive for tens of thousands of years... Another example of the unofficial nuclear waste inventory up at Elliot Lake, captured by Canadian photographer and environmentalist, Edward Burtynsky. So, while Starhead finds the local Uranium exploration alarming, he's right; he is not alone; much of the Canadian Shield and Ontario will be rendered uninhabitable in our lifetimes. Did I say uninhabitable... silly me; thats inaccurate; as some savvy developer has turned radioactive Elliot Lake into a "thriving" retirement community for our elderly:
  9. We also have this lady to thank for bringing this issue into the spotlight: Donna Dillman If a 53 year old lady can hunger strike for 66 days in an effort to protect the environment today and tomorrow; well, I suppose I can at least educate myself a bit, send off some letters and emails. Thanks Starhead, for bringing this issue up. I hope some other skanks follow your lead here.
  10. I'm not able to pick a favorite; plenty of good ones listed above, though honorable mentions should go out to The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life, Live In New York, and of course the hidden gem of them all; THING-FISH
  11. As far as most vehicles today are concerned, diesel is dirtier than high octane unleaded gas in terms of emissions; however as pointed out earlier in the discussion, it packs more punch per liter, so the mileage gained cancels the comparison out a bit. Though not yet well known in North America, Mercedes has developed what they call BlueTec diesel vehicles which emit heat, pure nitrogen and water vapor as exhaust. Its a pretty neat idea; it works, it does not increase the cost of production by much, and is already in use in Europe in many Mercedes cars and Trucks and Tractor-Trailers. You can buy BlueTec cars in North America now too, but the oil companies here don't want to distribute the BlueTec additive to the North American Market... BlueTec will be available on the diesel Smart Cars by 2011; a good year to put off new car purchases until if you're able. Of course I would prefer seeing a wind powered car... or seeing the Zenn legalized for street use in Canada...
  12. Early into King George the Second's Presidency; Saddam switched the trading currency of oil from the US Dollar to the EURO A war war here and a war war there and by the time the money runs out; everybody is wondering who to blame? Just in time for a Democrat President to step into office in 2008 with a treasury in shambles. Should be a cinch for Republicans to be back in control by 2012.
  13. As much as I'd like nero to play my own backyard, we should start a campaign petitioning the Montreal Jazz Festival to bring nero out to the GROOVE stage next summer. Thats the kind of exposure they deserve!
  14. "the backup is not intended for use in homes with children"
  15. Glad everyone came out and had a blast. Lets do it again soon! Heres some more pics:
  16. Here's a reminder of Bill Maher back in the good ole days; and also a reminder of overwhelming pre 911 dissatisfaction with Bush. Some good musical guests too.
  17. Not trying to be cryptic; I thought the word turncoat was pretty straightforward. Like Maher, Phil Donahue stood up for what he believed to be his America before AND after 9/11, and he also lost his TV show for it. Donahue has refused to bend over and assist the Administration in spreading the big lie just so he can be on TV. Thats Maher's role now. Lots of little truths, and the occasional backup of THE BIG LIE. Here's a TV show for you Mr. Maher. Good boy.
  18. Somebody's inquiring mind and philosophy of open discourse with the public changed focus after he lost his Politically Incorrect Pulpit.
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