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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Oh, I cant wait for you haters to read this one.
  2. The only teams I remember offhand who might be able to take an honest run at Anderson were the Leafs, Detroit (unless Lidstrom resigns but even so), Chicago (umm, Patrick Sharp?) and Washington. Bryzgalov is a free agent too so theoretically Phoenix could be included in that mix. Everyone else seemed set in goal or doesnt have the kind of money he would take. Again, from what I remember.
  3. Getting back to this because I meant ot yesterday but was pulled aside and forgot: Where in the fuck do you come up with this reactionary bullshit? Do you even know what you are implying? From what I understand, it's atypical for the NHL to speak with the victim in this type of situation. And even if they did, what would MaxPac say? "I dont recall the play." Oooooh. Groundbreaking stuff Roller.
  4. Thanks for answering my question.
  5. ..........while wearing a pair of my brother's skates.......
  6. Stay in school Schwa. Stay in school.
  7. Whatever you say drug addict. In other news:
  8. Steve Fromstein's 'I need to read from my notes' shtick didnt work for me at all. I giggled a few times but no laughter was had. I blame the delivery. Norm slayed in Kingston. I am still kinda sore behind my ears thanks to him.
  9. To be honest? I am still laughing at that.
  10. Hey Troll, I mean Sloth, I cant wait until dies from a hit that could have been avoided had the NHL taken the necessary means and that it happens right in front of your eyes. We'll see where you stand. Lord knows the odds of that happening to McNabb are greatly reduced in the NFL because they have shown proper regulatory measures, although I am sure you wish someone like DeMarcus Ware could take care of said problem for you next year should Donovan somehow return to that shitshow. Yes. I know...........but maybe you'll finally understand the point. Not that I am expecting it since I have pretty much seen drool dripping from your mouth which eventually turned to ice and stayed there just as we witnessed it with MaxPac on RDS the other night. Let the record show I wish no ill will to Ottawa's first selection in the upcoming draft nor do I wish to see it happen to any hockey player.
  11. I am sure everyone is going to applaud this. Is Sloth going to suggest it was all a hoax in hopes this 'injury' would get Chara a lengthy suspension? That'ld be awesome.....if he suggested it that is.
  12. That reminds me. For shits and giggles on Friday night as I was getting loaded I took a look at the impending UFA goalies and which teams are going to need one versus their potentially available cap space. I even wrote it down somewheres to show you guys but I am willing to bet I lost it. Ottawa is in an excellent position to resign Craig Anderson at whatever he desires. He could decide to take less and play with a better team but this one is going to be interesting.
  13. And in case you havent seen Punk in a while, this is what he looks like now:
  14. If you go to the bathroom Schwa you had better lock the door.
  15. It's not about stopping them. It's about minimizing them. Seatbelts save lives. NFL qb's have called and are telling Bilbo Baggins to go back to the Shire and smoke another bong.
  16. DaveO, grab me an iPhone while you're down there.
  17. Schwa, the NFL has been evolving for years and in the process they have been implenting rules to protect their players. Why cant the NHL?
  18. Yeah, I took it out too Freak but that is how I found the letter so I kept it intact when I posted it here.
  19. Way to Air Cananda. Someone with clout has finally stood up. I found a letter online and forwarded it along, feel free to do the same. I bolded a section that you can cut out if you want because there is a zero percent chance the NHL will reverse their decision. As far as I am concerned, this is more about potentially saving a kid from becoming a parpaplegic or much much worse. If you were watching the Bruins-Habs game live then I am willing to bet you were going through the exact same terrifying reaction that I was. It could have been a Bruins player and I would have felt the same way. I dont ever want to go through that again. to: media@aircanada.ca To Air Canada, I am e-mailing you to thank you for taking a courageous stand against the NHL's recent failures to police itself properly, specifically as it pertains to the complete lack of supplementary discipline for Zdeno Chara's hit on Max Pacioretty. I ask you to remain consistent with that stand and to pull out of your sponsorship deal with the NHL if they do not rescind their decision to not suspend Zdeno Chara within the next 48 hours. It is important for the sport that Canadians love from coast to coast to be seen as one that is safe for kids to play in, and to grow up to be professional players in should they have the desire to do so. To that end, I fully support you in continuing to put pressure on the NHL to better police itself. Thank you,
  20. He got 5, 10 and a game Roller. But whatever. He should have at least got a couple of games.
  21. The googly eyed rat-fink guy reminds me of a nero shirt I own.
  22. And if the game hadnt been played last night would this hit have amounted to anything?
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