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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Gateaux is skinny fat and needs to lose some chub.
  2. Wait...............what???? "show" What the fuck is all this about?
  3. Let me get this straight. You guys are surprised that Habs fans are outraged because one of the players on their favorite team almost got killed and there was no suspension? Have fun with all of that.
  4. Where the fuck where you Schwa when I was loudly complaining about Gary Suter's hit on Wayne Gretzky? It's been all downhill since then. You fuckingidiot.
  5. This play is a prime example of why the league needs to step in and quit handing out these piddly suspensions. 2 games is a joke. Give him 10 on something like this and bam, these issues will clear themselves right up. Fuck the owners and the NHLPA. If only.........
  6. ....and no one should be surprised.......... There's the elephant.
  7. Either you know/knew me less than I thought/think or you are laying down some weak humour. Like the XLII's that would be sent as surprises to folks who would send me a b&p box of 10, the filler I would put on them would be A+ and something you probably were about to hear for the first time and sometimes with accompanying notes. ``record low knee bends from Jerry`` First one to tell me what I was referring to with those notes gets a free gift in the mail. 1 guess per.
  8. Booche

    Netflix Picks

    Buddy's interviews on Letterman back in the day were hilarious but I was high all the time back then so grain of salt if you are going to watch them anytime soon. But agreed on that doc. I loved it. Arent we talking mid to late 90's on that one?
  9. Apparently he lived right down the road from a buddy of ours in Australia. Rumour has it they threw some wild parties. I also heard that as soon as Bear walked through the pearly gates he heard a thunderous voice calling him. It was God saying "puddle me" http://www.thebear.org/GDLogo.html
  10. Yes, I was definitely overzealous with my remark there Esau. Apologies to all but I do believe if players knew real suspensions would be handed out they would be more mindful on the ice. And in case anyone doesnt know, when a player is suspended they forfeit their salary for those games. More Gillies examples, less Chara ones.
  11. I'm of the belief that if you hit anyone hard enough in the wallet, whatever behaviour you are trying to curb will get curbed. NHL players love to play hockey while collecting fat paycheques. Make the suspensions massive and guys will become quickly responsible. The real problem is the NHLPA and the owners.
  12. Here's the picture book for you you lazycunt.
  13. Already back in the studio, probably to apologize.
  14. The dinosaur also weighed in tonight on Cockbreath's Corner and it really was inappropriate of Cherry not know his name in this incident. Isnt that schtick a little overcooked?
  15. I find you DiRienzo's fanboys ironically amusing.
  16. Didnt know Via weighed in as well.
  17. I cant believe Brent 'mvp' Sopel is now out "indefinitely". This season has been devastating to not only the team's health but mine as well.
  18. Booche


    Roller is going to be like this guy when he sees this thread:
  19. Thornton and Henrik weigh in. If I was I would bust Tony Marinaro for being a fucking idiot.
  20. You cant really argue against this. Stephen Brunt is the man.
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