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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Sens trade Brian Elliott to Colorado for Craig Anderson.
  2. http://www.sendspace.com/file/21x7vd
  3. Lynn does the same thing with rippled Lays. Fuckin' turned me onto them she gone and done did.
  4. What a wimp. He could have returned.
  5. I've been pretty adament in my defense of Scott Gomez this year but he hasnt looked too good lately. Come on little buddy.
  6. Booche


    Even the Sheen agrees: Too much Disney, not enough drugs.
  7. Dont do it. For the sake of us all, please dont do it. Just turn your eyes and walk away. The last thing I want to read is how "important" Arcade Fire are without telling us why they should be considered important.
  8. Because he cant hit the net to save his life.
  9. Whatever it is, I am sure it has something to do with this:
  10. MarcO offers nothing to this board and then comes in here whining because he cant read how a bunch of 3.0 noobs are wondering what time Pizza Hut opens so they can order some wings. He is dead to me.
  11. Check out their Austin City Limits performance and if that doesnt do it for you then they arent the right fit in your life at the moment. Great display of the 'fun' Boiler Rat is talking aobut.
  12. Yes it was Brad. I would venture to guess it was some kind of work party. All I recall is some old drunken broads pretty much tackling us saying "You boys look hungry and we have way too much food left over." This was the day after celebrating my mom's bday way too fucking late (I blame POG). I cant believe the US border guards allowed me to cross. I smelled like a distillery. And look what I found boys after some digging.............. I've always loved TAB shows and this was one of my favorites, only behind Albany 99 which was fucking sick ::mouth agape:: It was another absurd event in a night full of absurdity: The infamous balcony before lift off. I remember thinking "Jesusfuckingchrist, this place is beautifully small": Next to impossible to get a pic in there thanks to the camera I had and the movement of said balcony: After the balcony almost collapsed Trey had to go acoustic with his horn players having to play sans mics (we also got a completely Trey solo Pebbles And Marbles which was the first time I had heard that song and immediately fell in fucking love with it. Some dude up front requested it as Trey walked up to his mic "Thanks, I didnt know what I was going to play" something like that):
  13. Hippies complaining about the headliners at the 'Roo which is going to prevent them from going?
  14. This must be the player Burke was talking about. The Toronto Maple Leafs acquired Aaron Voros from the Anaheim Ducks on Tuesday in exchange for a conditional 7th round draft pick.
  15. Aaaaaah, isnt that cute? Look who is being spoonfed by TorontoSN.
  16. This is what he is doing to Leaf fans: :surprise:
  17. That was some seriously intense energy at that show and confirmed on moe guys because I ran into Al. Loved that show. I think everytime I looked at POG I was laughing at the absurdity. Great little stories from Trey as well. Fuckme, he used to play a bad guitar.
  18. Chelsea striker Fernando Torres: I will repay Roman Abramovich’s faith in me by scoring goals, except today against Fullham that ended at nil apiece even though I was given wonderful service. What the fuck have I done?
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