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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Clearly this means one thing and one thing only.
  2. Much like the album? Oooooooh, he brings it back home!
  3. As far as I can tell he means everyone wants to catch lightning in a bottle and somehow think Phish will magically play great shows simply because they would be doing Cypress again. ::coughslaughscurrentbattingaveragelaughscoughs::
  4. Ton Marinaro is nothing more than a skinnier version of Bruce Garrioch. Unless of course he is fat but I have never seen a picture of him.
  5. He's a UFA at the end of the season and turned down a 7.5 million 2 year deal from Colorado. They knew they were going to lose him for nothing so they flipped him for a more affordable/younger RFA backup. At least that is how it looks.
  6. The 'I' in Daniel should have been a capo.
  7. Booche


    There's one in Kingston now which I have been planning to hit the next time I am there plus this thing which I just discovered thanks to Velvet's awesome read about his recent travels. Sorry for the hijack but it is kinda your fault Todd. I would eat the fuck out of a burger right now. Yes. I know it is 9:12am.
  8. Booche


    Great stuff. Hopefully this avoids the inevitable:
  9. One word came to mind as I was listening to it. Really? That's it? I am rather indifferent at the moment and wondering if Ed is even in the band but maybe it will grow on me with subsequent listens. I didnt care for Kid A at first so there is hope. I definitely agree with Fluff in that Separator is going to be fucking huge live.
  10. Allow me to remind you what the 'real' jackass told Leaf Nation a couple of days ago.
  11. That's the worst attempt at a Jedi mind trick I have ever seen.
  12. I certainly dont think grabbing Kovalev is that bad of an idea. One, he is going to come very cheap. Two, low risk with the potential for a high reward. Do you remember how much he elevates for playoff games? Its not like the Habs can currently fill their top six (am I the only one sick of Travis Moen?) and if he is perceived to be a problem you send him to the press box and dont fret about it because he came for the cost of a donkey painted like a zebra. It's Friday and you are fucking stupid.
  13. Awesome. Craig Anderson comes to Ottawa to watch his career die.
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