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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Soft core porn? Yes. Funny? Yes. Intelligent? Maybe if you are a monkey from the island of St Kitts.
  2. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Dont fucking remind me. Good lord. I am still feeling sick to my stomach. My Sunday was ruined by not only that but also my brother's post in the Skating On The Canal thread, which was probably the gayest thing I have ever read on the internet. After MTL's comeback one would assume I was going to have a true Happy Sunday. Nope.
  3. bouche, I would put my headphones on before listening to this if I were you.
  4. Dig that comeback! Wait a minute. The one we missed because I had the pvr on PAUSE via RDS and not on RECORD with 3:30ish to play when The Whiz was tripped, MTL is about to go on the powerplay and there is a commercial so I flip to CBC to see the score of the Ottawa game but OOPS its already over and they are showing a grinning Gionta on the bench because he has just tied the game? Good thing TissueMan wasnt here. Unacceptable behaviour, I know, but I blame MrBigTime and his incessant need for 'smoke' breaks......nah. I take full responsibility. 2 points.
  5. Atta boy. Hit'em in the mind Barrett. Their egos cant handle your shit.
  6. Well, they certainly werent reacting like they felt that way. But Courtney Love? That's comedic genius.
  7. I knew what he was doing but he failed. Watch it again and pay attention to the reactions of the other roasters, especially Bob Saget himself. They didnt find it funny either and seeing as comedy is their profession I can guarantee you they knew the angle Norm was coming from. It was incredibly unfunny. Give me a wasted Courtney Love any day of the week.
  8. Booche

    Brain Teaser

    DaveyBoy's waistline?
  9. Fake data was used in the studies linking autism and vaccinations. In other news, 'boom' goes the dynamite.
  10. Thatfuckingsucks. I dont even want to talk about how much it sucks (FUUUUUUUUUUCK) so let's get to tonight's game instead. The 3rd star of the game went to the refs, if you are a Penguins fan: The 2nd star of the game went to this fan. I apologize for not capturing his mullet in all its glory but one thing is obvious. No Country For Old Men would have been way better had the Coen brothers cast this dude instead of Josh Brolin: The 1st star was this sick beat. Honorable mention to Price but let’s be serious, this was sick:
  11. Booche

    Azz Whoopin'

    Isnt that cute? Our first, and potentially only, agreement of 2011. Let the record show that I watched it before reading anything but I firmly agree with: "Feel bad for the dude that ass whooped boy takes his daddy anger out on..." We have a winner. Violence begets violence, plain and simple. Ya'll met a ton of bullies in school, guess where their anger came from? That was no simple slap on the butt and he forced even more embarrassment and shame on the kid by videotapping it. PS: By the way, no one show this to my wife. I am trying to fear her into doing her solid part as far as raising our son is concerned by telling her I am going to beat his ass whenever he is bad.
  12. That rant was so good Punk I no longer wish Aaron Rodgers to suffer a sack causing him to become a quadriplegic because you got his jersey instead of Clay Matthews, which only proved how much of bandwagoner you actually are.
  13. Emmy-winning star of My Name Is Earl Jaime Pressly was arrested and jailed after failing a drunk driving test. The 33-year-old star was pulled over by police for a traffic violation last night and promptly arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Pressly was driving in the Santa Monica area of Los Angeles at around 11.36pm when police pulled her over. She was taken into custody and booked on suspicion of DUI at a local police station. Her bail has been set at $15,000.
  14. One thing I noticed this year Badams, which certainly allwoed me to enjoy the tournament for the first time in years, is that the TSN Hype Machine was running on overdrive from October on. For the Worlds Jr's they were relatively tame this year leading up to it. Kudos to them for not shoving it down our throats every 22 minutes for 2 months.
  15. Atta boy schwa. Call it like it is. And they certianly did NOT look like the Americans did when they faced one another in the Semi's. That's utter stupidity. Canada did not play tight from the start. They were pressuring and on the puck, taking away Russia's space as much as they could. And fuck all this "D across the board was terrible" nonsense. Did you even watch the first two periods Jaimoe? From my perspective, they looked completely gassed towards the end of the 2nd which carried into the third. Maybe they pressured too hard too early? I dont know but the legs werent there in the final frame as much as they had been.
  16. Booche

    NFL 2010

    I'm hoping for at least another 20 years of Al. You guys will realize his genius someday, probably when it's too late but whatever.
  17. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Make It So Dan is Washington's Just Win Baby. Anyways, further to what I was saying yesterday. It's one big GFY shoutout to the Punk.
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