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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche


    I bet I know what the giggling was about. "That dude is 43?"
  2. Awesome. I already love that meathead based on the nickname possibilities alone.
  3. Booche

    NFL 2010

    7 Below opener on NYE?
  4. Booche

    NYE in SF

    Way to go phishtaper, that should be a blast and even moreso if you dont utter the word "no" for 2 straight days.
  5. Great move in my eyes. It should pay off on Hammer and Spaceks legs let alone the much needed righthanded shot from the point. There's no way any Hab fan should have expected PK or Weber to be counted on more than they already have, which was already waaaaaaaay too much. All for a 2nd rounder (and I think MattyC just told me a 5th on the phone as I found out about this)? Wicked. We'll see how it all plays out but for now I say "Way to go Goat!"
  6. Red Devils just got jobbed by the Red Wings referees in the 90th minute.
  7. Habs lose 4-1. If you put those tow numbers side by each I think you also get the total attendence.
  8. You are going to have to wait until 2011 to celebrate it. Festivus was yesterday.
  9. Booche

    Crock Pot

    Brussel sprouts? Ok then.
  10. FUCK THOSE GUYS! Merry Xmas you dicks. All my love.
  11. Jildren sounds like a winner: Lol nice lists guys way to be exclusive critics who no one can relate to. I'm going to assume you guys simply weren't at the actual best concerts (LCD, iggy, de la soul) which is why you chose not to include them.
  12. omfg, was that you last year BoilerRat? I am still trying to figure out who that secret Santa was and by "secret Santa" I mean "I was so drunk I dont remember who showed up for late night Jingle Balls"
  13. Happy holidays? Fuck all that. Its merry christmas and ya'll know it. Don't bend to them people, enough fun has been laid to waste. The world is a dangerous place now. You can't let your kids go trick or treating on their own and they won't be riding their bikes to their friends place if it is more than a couple of blocks away but I'll be damned if those bastards take Christmas from my son too. Its Christmas for Christ's sake! You know, Jesus and that fucking manger and all that shit? I don't take holidays during holiday season because it's Christmas season and I don't holiday shop because I Christmas shop. If you dont like it, dont celebrate nothing and fuck off. The next thing you know, Santa Clause is going to be on whatever diet-du-jour is making the rounds and people will try telling us that Jesus Christ was white. So the next time you say "Merry Xmas" to someone and they respond with "you are supposed to say happy holidays" tell them "fuck those guys!". Maybe it will eventually stick because everything else seems to if you say it enough. And that's what really grinds my gears.
  14. Booche

    NFL 2010

    And folks thought Al Davis was insane for running Shanahan out of town. Evil Al is far more ontop of things than the media has/will ever give/n him credit for.
  15. North Rustico is sinking and punk doesnt want to swim. Swiiiam.
  16. With all that salt water, it's gonna get 'rustico' alright. Too soon?
  17. I have added and removed shit over the years. Billing adjustments happened just like with Ollie. In fact, twice I returned boxes, once an HD box and once a regular. No contract. But maybe that has changed for new subscribers? I cant say.
  18. Come on man. Folks are trying to determine between going with Rogers or Bell and this is what you bring to the table?
  19. I have never been so sure of something in my life.
  20. Just to clear things up NW, now you are saying your bill would have been 90 dollars extra a month vs Bell?
  21. You also say you spent 220 bucks a month while with Rogers. Its quite clear you do not know wtf is going on.
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