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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Prediction on the next Bear's starter:
  2. Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything. - Paris Hilton.
  3. You gotaa love the Homer better known as Eugene Melnyk! Hahahhaha, one year, hahahaha. That's almost as funny as his comment from November of this season when he told every one to "fasten your seatbelts" on HNIC saying they were going to win the cup this year. Get a fucking grip pal. I love how his finger is on the pulse..............in Barbados.
  4. Since he cant beat up fellow NHL'ers......... If true, what a fucking lowlife. Iam so glad Burke is an idiot.
  5. In case anyone is wondering, never mind the needed 3000 because they sold those as wll as the entire 7200 boxed sets initially offered.
  6. Fuck off Green Bay. Return Of Koivu trumps anything that happened in that game. 3 Stars is bullshit now anyways since the fans vote for them.
  7. That was fucking awesome and easily a top 5 live moment for me. Towards the end of the national anthem the Bell Center put up a couple of images of Koivu. As the song ended, the crowd started chanting "Saku! Saku! Saku!" and began getting louder, staying on their feet and giving him a standing ovation. He kept circling around and waving and the crowd just got louder. His teamates skated towards their bench while he tried to get them to come back and join him in the faceoff circle but to no avail. It basically ended with Saku at center ice by himself as the crowd rained down their undying love. Fucking awesome I tells you. We totally expected some sort of dealio down by the organization but trust me when I say the fans showed far more class with their offering and after that I was ok if the Habs didnt provide some sort of tribute because it wouldnt have matched what we all did in our seats. Koivu was visably touched and that's all that mattered. I think my only regret is that he somehow didnt get voted as the 1st star of the game or even been given all three for that matter. My second favorite part of the night had to be Tissueman stating "I am done with beer for the night" during the second intermission and assuming he was because stating so because he was already full of alcohol........until I noticed he was double-fisting rum and cokes. Pretty sure I am still hungover.
  8. The following ably describes the Habs beatdown of the Sens last night:
  9. We got there extremely late. I was really pissed off for our collectively dumb behaviour but an insane Dark Star was playing on MattyC's stereo as we crawled to our parking spot, which was as far as I will ever park again in the main east lot, and I was enthralled trying to figure out what year it was from. Definitely 72-73-or-74. But never will I end up there again. That place is ridiculously far away and poorly set up. It pretty much guarantees you will miss a part of the game and should be renamed Noob-Lot. And Sloth? Uno you are going to look pretty.
  10. Good reminder. I better do this now because I have a huge weekend ahead of me and once I leave this office I have no idea when I am going to see a computer again. Bears Pitt
  11. First, he guided our country swimmingly through the worst economic disaster any of us have seen in our lifetime and then he made a poetically insightful comment about The Great One. How dare you question Superlative Steve. How dare you indeed.
  12. Its official. Greatest.PrimeMinister.Ever.
  13. SWEET! I am now wearing my HabsKovalev jersey to the game.
  14. HAPPY BDAY HEATER! You look so happy in this picture:
  15. At least the Raiders are still a marketable sports entity, so I got that going for me.
  16. Get a room funboys. You are embarrassing yourselves. The NBA is dead. I'ld sooner watch darts.
  17. "As if any of my fests would consider bringing them back to this city even if it were called lolwspfest" explained Monaghan.
  18. Provided they presell 3000+ by April of course.
  19. This is great. HD cameras worn by Miller and Pominville augmented by video and audio recorded from the HSBC Arena stands.
  20. Booche

    NFL 2010

    He's a better man than me. - He explained why he still believes in receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey, who caught just 37 passes in his first two seasons. "Explosion. He can catch, he's getting better and he's a good guy. He's going to be good."
  21. Let's not forget PK took a shot towards the end of the period that looks like it will have lingering effects. That was unbelievable shit but an OT loss feels like a win tonight. I cant believe I have tickets to the next two Bulldogs games in Ottawa and Montreal this Friday and Saturday.
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