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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    Epic Covers

    Ya'll can play this song at my funeral because it is easier than Box Of Rain
  2. Bruce Hornsby wrote The End of the Innocence
  3. I will never argue that influence and while they have tons of John Lennon and Bob Dylan it doesnt make it a bad thing. Thank you for answering.
  4. "Overall though, I'd sum it up as "Boys of Summer - Don Henley - No not really on that last point but they do remind me of that at times" What are you hearing? I am begging for an explanation.
  5. "I cracked open an eye.........." - I don't think I have ever heard you use that verb without it being followed by "a beer" Being Rad At Detecting Memories
  6. Either Dave-O's spelling of French swear words is atrocious or mine is. I feel like this is a game and the loser should wear a dress but something tells me I will end up in a dress in each scenario.
  7. "Chew pain'cher toenails??" My dad threw out my pink flowery moo-moo that I loved so much when I moved back home for a couple of years so I could get away from DB2.0's influence. "Did you throw out my moo-moo?" "TABERNAK HASTI COLICE! You arent coming back here and with me seeing you wear that fucking stupid dress! What's wrong with you? What were you thinking?" "It's comfy to get drunk in! You should try it!!!!!" "Modi tabernak!" That was us fighting in a nutshell..............
  8. 03-27-1993 BradM told me numerous times how much he loved reading these reviews so it seemed like a good idea to put on the next show in his honour because we all love him so very much. Let’s turn it up a notch! 1993 was the year when I noticed the biggest change within the music of the Grateful Dead. I only had started seeing them in 1990 and by this point I was an avid collector of their live shows. I could have probably paid a month’s rent from the Maxell points I had accumulated and maybe I would have had I known that impending death knell. Hell In A Bucket is always such a welcome opener and this one is a ton of fun. Bob and Phil are right on top of it while Vince proves he is the most underrated member the band ever employed. Jerry spiritedly plays while one wonders how long it may last because that was the era we were living in at the time but I am guessing this will be a good one since it ws included. Bob Weir expends a ton of vocal energy during the “at least I am enjoying the ride” while the rest of the band takes off. Bertha comes up next and it’s immediately clear that Phil Lesh is taking this show by storm. I wonder if he was dressed in green that night because the ending vocals smoke. The Same Thing makes an always welcome appearance. This cover was undeservedly underappreciated and this version proves why. Jerry Garcia is playing a slide guitar. Come on. How often did that happen in 2300ish shows? This is a great example of how the good ole Grateful Dead could have simply been a blues band at this point in their existence. Peggy-O makes a perfect appearance that will drop anyone to their knees, as most versions do. When Jerry feels this storyline you best put on your seatbelt because you may end up either crying or falling on the floor, sometimes both. This is an exquisite performance with Phil slamming a perfect backend. Bobby follows up with a very spirited cover of Bob Dylans’ Queen Jane Approximately and then Phil does Broken Arrow which solidifies this show as a must-listen. Can you show me the sign? Loose Lucy rears her ugly head with a killer groove with Vince sounding like he has been there since they started and walks into a completely psychedelic Cassidy so our beloved band is officially off. It’s a shame they had fallen into their own trap because when Casey Jones ends the set you don’t want them to take a set break. All love from the crowd. Eyes Of The World opens the second set and you immediately feel the drippiness of this show. Phil is clearly driving this bus and its one that may take us any place we want to go which is apparently Estimated Prophet. Obviously these aren’t the days when Eyes > Estimated were a staple but this is a very fun version and the drummers are pushing Phil et al. By the time Vince pulls out his saxophone sounds everyone has coalesced while Bobby tries to recreate his earlier vocal “worry about me not” days. This is fantastic stuff and a show one can put on to argue others who suggest that the Dead sucked in their later days. I would kill to have these shows still going again and then Garcia drops Comes A Time on unexpected ears. What better argument is that? Boys and girls,only love can fill this groove which walks right into a personal favourite Corrina which happens to be a fantastic version and a song that I always felt was ridiculously underrated amongst Deadheads. Garcia would get down and dirty which this version provides. There is some nasty sustain. Phil, Jerry and Vince take off at the end of this one thanks to the depth that had been found from the band. They slowly follow their way into Drumz which had become one of the highlights to look forward to during many shows by this point, an argument I will make until I take my last breath. There is no denying the Jerry Ballads were the big reason we all kept going but when you look back upon this period the combination of the lights and sound were positively mesmerizing, if not hypnotic. I genuinely miss those moments more than I thought possible even thought they seemed like a struggle at certain shows. The tail end of this Drumz facilitates sounds bouncing back and forth through speakers prior to Space, which clearly becomes an exercise in melodic madness. The Wheel is one of my favourite post Space songs so things felt right. After all that craziness it always made sense to me to slowly stabilize and that’s what this song has always done in this slot. All Along The Watchtower slams out and it’s clear things are slamming because Phil Lesh has said so. Everyone seems to do this song but what has always made it for me is the bass great Lesh filling approach. All of a sudden I forgot about the Garcia ballad slot but become slammed in the face when it appeared. Days Between strolled out and steamrolled this entire show proving once once again these moments were why we kept going again and again even though this was a brand new song. No one cared because a hopeful candle lingered in the land of lullabies. It was obviously a Saturday night and then the band decided the wanted to get the fuck off stage quickly because they fought the law and the law won. This was a far better show than I expected and I recommend it entirely. David Lemieux knows the deal because this show is consistently solid throughout and I fucking miss BradM so much.
  9. I fucking love this band and truly cant wait to see them!
  10. " the anonymity that comes with it" I miss being Heady Epic. Aloha Brad
  11. " in recent years this board has struggled as many folks dropped off, but Brad kept at it, and probably accounted for half the posts on here! I think the rest of us are going to need to step it up now if we want it to continue. So let's all try to post more often about shows we're going to, music we're listening to, stuff we're doing, and share more stories, photos, and thoughts. " That's beautiful Cuz. Count me in.
  12. Absolutely crushing and devastating. I woke up today hoping it was all a bad dream. Prior to moving to Kanata, Brad was at every occurrence of my being onstage and was beyond supportive. Brad helped me gain some confidence needed to keep on keeping on with regards to opening yourself up to a crowd of drunken revellers and for that I am eternally grateful. I cant believe there wont be one more hug and I am emotionally bracing the last one we shared in August. Aloha BradM
  13. Booche

    Epic Covers

  14. Booche

    Epic Covers

    Another cheat on my part?
  15. I totally forgot about this and had the opportunity to watch.
  16. Thank you YouTube because I just stumbled across this.....I had no idea this had happened...............I love U2 so fucking much
  17. Booche

    Epic Covers

    I am kinda cheating here because I love The Boss and I just stumbled across this
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