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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Steinbrenner: Mrs. Costanza? Estelle: Yes? Steinbrenner: My name is George Steinbrenner, I'm afraid I have some very sad news about your son. Estelle: (gasps) I can't believe it. He was so young. How could this have happened? Steinbrenner: Well, he'd been logging some pretty heavy hours, first one in the morning, last one to leave at night. That kid was a human dynamo. Estelle: Are you sure you're talking about George? Steinbrenner: You are Mr. and Mrs. Costanza? Frank: What the hell did you trade Jay Buhner for?! He had 30 home runs and over 100 RBIs last year. He's got a rocket for an arm. You don't know what the hell you're doin'! Steinbrenner: Well, Buhner was a good prospect, no question about it. But my baseball people loved Ken Phelps' bat. They kept saying "Ken Phelps, Ken Phelps."
  2. One more reason why I would have sex with JT. If that makes me gay then call me queer.
  3. totally Sloth.......if I had been hungover I would have fallen asleep........
  4. By a mile, for me as well. It is not even close. It's a mile.
  5. This is hilarious. Some chick named JRP wrote: The ref lost all credibility towards the end; it seemed as though he had a ration of yellows which he'd given to the Dutch and then ran out of cards to give to Spain. The Dutch played a very physical game but they remain the greatest side never to win a World Cup - they gave it their all. Fair it wasn't, but we Orangemen/girls are gracious in defeat - Spain scored a craking goal. and then the same dude from above wrote (he might be Gawains brother): The Dutch did not deserve to win. They were a total disgrace to the spirit of football. They surprised me with their abject lack of pace within the the first 20 minutes and they clearly understood that the ref was under orders from FIFA to make the game flow. They debased what could have been the most beautiful game of football of all time. I am surprised that you don't get this. The Dutch should be banned from any futrther competitions for at least 5 years. Grow up for fuck sake, the Dutch played like a bunch of cunts. Watch the replay of the Robben holding claim. He was totally outpaced. You cannot just be seduced by his antics. He was out classed. Pure and simple. I could not care a less who won. The Dutch team were a total mess, they fucked up. Not the ref. God I cannot believe I am reading this shit. Do any of you understand even the rudiments of football?
  6. Hahaha, hey Ollie. See this dude on Gavain's Facebook page? And is there a more entertaining Facebook profile on the internet than Gavain's? "The dutch should have had 8 players for most of the game. That was the best world cup final in 30 years. The ref was a God! The Dutch were fucking disgraceful." "I have never seen a ref help a team (meaning the Dutch) as much as that in 40 years of watching football."
  7. More on the Halak trade, just to cement it home.
  8. You.Are.The.Fucking.Man.
  9. .....and he it was sale for 250 bucks..........
  10. Salary cap'd. Look at Kovalchuk.
  11. No wonder Bob was stuck at the border:
  12. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the internet. My initial reaction to Phil and Bob bringing in the Jerry clone was way off. I am sorry. I was dead wrong. That was fucking awesome. Fucking awesome I say. I went in with decent expectations (knowing I would have a good time) and they were certainly blown away. It's beautiful to see that there is still a little Jerry in alot of us. Ya'll deserve high fives.
  13. Seems to me, and I am just going by this thread of course, the only thing one gets out of purchasing the 77 dollar membership is a strong desire to defend Prince at all costs.
  14. DaveyBoy 2.0 will be at Mclarens on Elgin/Mclaren. Aiming for 2pm. I'm only doing this because of you cuntz-towns. My body is telling me to stay home and rest up but nooooooooooo, the Towns is in town.....you had better be there arsehole. That goes for you too MOBE. DB will give you his 2.0 in the warshroom.
  15. Oh yeah. The "guerrilla warfare" tactics pandering Maiden's upcoming cd release grated my fucking nerves.
  16. From my perspective I equate that show to the Kiss Bluesfest show. I mean, that last quarter was fuckingrocking and way louder than the stuff from earlier. Seeminlgy similar in those respects. I felt the show was slamming from Fear Of The Dark on with bits I really enjoyed before that but I cant say what aside from a double guitar attack. Awesome fucking stage. Best I have ever seen at Bluesfest.
  17. So do I kev, I think that would be an outstanding game. Either way the final should prove better than the last one.
  18. If you decide to go, check Kijiiji and Craigslist for last minute sellers or head down to the site but dont buy from the box office. Tickets are 60 bucks. You'll find one much cheaper if you are patient.
  19. In my mind, they already are! (yes)
  20. Iron Fucking Maiden for fuck's sake!
  21. Obviously you dont fucking know me at all! Jesus man. Get it together. I was already walking throughout the downtown core this afternoon with a pen and a piece of paper.
  22. Remember the good ole days when all that was needed was a heady 'Roll Call'? It's over folks.
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