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Everything posted by Booche

  1. What a first half. First goal was a goddamn scorcher and gets my vote as the best of the World Cup (that I have seen so far).
  2. I am almost starting to despise Gauthier, simply for his ability to get Roller and I to see eye to eye.
  3. Booche is getting upset!
  4. In case you were unaware, Magnolia Mountain is a Ryan Adams cover.
  5. I would have agreed with him had he been talking about this website.
  6. Fuckme. I just noticed that Dark Star on the 3rd. Booooooooo!
  7. I was privy to a conversation from a few nights ago. Bob: We're, we're, we're playing what? Phil: It's the Bluesfest of Ottawa. Bob: I'm going to, yes I am. I'm going to...to play all my blues catalog. Phil: That settles that. Pencil in a Dark Star while your at it Wild Bill.
  8. Yeah, that shit got real cool Ollie. I missed this game and hadnt taped it. Just saw the finish. Thank you BOLD.
  9. Hey Ollie, I speak on the behalf of Rich Stadium when I ask you to jump on the Holland bandwagon. We want to see DB 2.0 lose it.
  10. Reports from Hintonburgh indicate there is a streaking "Mexican looking" adult male in that area of Ottawa.
  11. Holy fuck, at least I am not a Calgary fan.
  12. That's a pretty ironic signature for the user I posted under a few hours ago considering how tough I think it will be for Les Brahs to make the playoffs next season.
  13. Ottawa signs Pavel Bure to a 4 year, 28 million dollar contract.
  14. Really? The Leafs have that much cap space??? Jesus. I thought they were pushing the limit which is the main reason I questioned that move. Carry on.
  15. If you ask me, POG aint thinking this through. Then again that's the way of the Leaf fan. A 24 year old who scored 20 goals in a full season playing with the likes of Hossa making 3 million+ this upcoming year vs a 24 year old who scored 9 goals in half a season playing with a shitty offence making less than 800 grand this upcoming year. Way to help Chicago's cap there Burke but I suppose that's what you like to do for other GM's.
  16. You sucking on crystal meth in that picture? The Sun Also Rises'd
  17. I gotta put this kid on 'ignore' some day.
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