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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I cut all my hair off as short as its been in 20+ years and I still had a ton more than those baldfuckers. I am disappointed though. I figured Rich Stadium was going to offer Low Roller hilarious advice. This thread fails. It's pretty much standard Cavern bullshit. I thoguht we were better than that people!
  2. Manteca will finally make its appearance.
  3. What he is really saying is that he is pissed he no longer works downtown and has to now go out of his way outside of work hours to get to Ribfest, so he is forcing himself to believe he doesnt like it as much as he used to. Self-defeating prophecy'd.
  4. "bout" If you are looking for me that night, I'll be in the beer tent.
  5. Booche


    Manteca to appear at Finger Lakes. You heard it here first.
  6. HOLY FUCK! That 2nd set from Rochester reads beautifully to these eyes. Wow. And the 2nd from the previous night is banging as well. I am really starting to look forward to this Bluesfest gig.
  7. Haha. I dont even have to listen to the respective offshoots to know that there's a huge difference between the individual members of SCI and Wilco.
  8. Well well well......... Rich Stadium's local whipping boy has gone and gotten himself further whipped. He is now a married man. Feel free to offer your advice boys because he is going to need it. The wife already owns his balls based on what I saw yesterday. It was a flurry of "yes dear"'s. I must admit though, the smartest thing Roller has done since I have known him is ensuring I didnt get a speech during the reception. It probably would have been pretty short and read something like: I am not sure who is more of an idiot. Roller or Plomox for actually saying "I do".
  9. You want dedication? I am bringing a full rack'o'ribs to my unsuspecting wife after work and I am planning to let my baby lick a taste off my finger when she isnt looking. Gotta start them when they are young, you know.
  10. Technically, DaveO is right.
  11. Everything. From insurance premiums to labour costs to the price of gas......... I am willing to bet Phish would charge a hundred bucks a ticket too, if they could.
  12. Yesterday - Uncle Sam's pulled pork sammy meal Today - Silver Bullet pulled pork sammy meal Today's is the clear winner out of the two. Better everything. Nice little zang to the beans taboot!
  13. Soooooooo, who was having sex during that? Reports. File them here. At the very least I'm guessing Gateaux was wacking it.
  14. Velvet was all sweaty so I refused to hug him. Best part of my day was his reaction. "Earthquake?" You must have just went with the flow. Keep on rollin' and tumblin' buddy.
  15. I thought that Phil Lesh got here a little early and started soundcheck, getting ready for the 7th.
  16. Did Dinghy just take a dump?
  17. Interesting. Maybe MrBigTime is right, I might just be a prophet afterall. But I am going to bet it's just common sense instead.
  18. Get ready to love-it Roller. No.Trade.Clause.
  19. Yeah, that's a nice 9 million I forgot about coming off next year. Wake me up in 2011 instead.
  20. I like Pleks and think he is important but with the other three forwards making what they are making this is just too much money per year and too many of them. Someone wake me up when its 2014.
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