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Everything posted by Booche

  2. If you enjoy Wilco then I cant recommend that video enough.
  3. I just found a Tras Gras boner I didnt know I had, That's some great shit DaveyBoy2.0 "It's desert music man" But when does the naked guy on the telephone pole show up?
  4. Also...........you guys out there...............grab your lady and dance with her if you ever luckily happen across a moment like this, especially if it's a first date and you wanna get scored. Dumbest-assed dude ever. Hopefully he was reallyhigh and couldnt count.
  5. Fucking love it.That's how everyone should roll.
  6. Everyone should click the play button. You like Jimmy Herring right? Guitargasm This is really fun stuff with each player listening to the other. I fucking love this drummer. Keith Carlock? Damn.
  7. I cant figure out how to undouble that youtube video above (but trust me watch that shit!)
  8. For those who may have missed this...even if you didnt, watch it again. I posted this on my Facebook wall on Sunday morning because I was completely floored. I just watched it again and I am completely floored. Again. If I ever hang out with Phil Lesh and we have a Youtube talk I am going pop this on his player...............
  9. Phish were fantastic to my ears. I held bad expectations for them because they seem to employ that "if it's a festival we are gonna suck" model but they didnt this weekend, They found a great way to go short and sweet outside of their regular comfort zone. I preferred Friday.
  10. " Vulfpeck is terrible." I watched their Friday set after work and it was the love child of a cracked-out George Clinton spawning his seed inside Tonya Harding. I fucking hated it so much.
  11. OMFG - HaMike just won the Skanc Of The Year for 2016...............HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!! I dont even know what I enjoyed best aside from an obviously overjoyed Ryan Adams. These bits may have sold me on trying for tickets in the future whether he is on the bill or not. Best ad ever?
  12. It was 20 years ago today I saw my first Phish show and you turned 28.
  13. Pretty sure you guys meant to say Johnny Slayer. That shit is lit.
  14. You kids out there, watch that Esau youtube
  15. This guy was pretty fucking cool.
  16. These guys are fucking amazing
  17. Tomorrow night is at the Gorge if I am not mistaken? One of the highest/happiest moments of my life happened there that I wont ever forget. I might get to be around for the first set but in no way will I be able to catch/watch the whole thing #stupidtimezonebullshit
  18. Booche


    My brother, you and Paul help get Phish into my life's lexicon and I can never thank you enough. I was blown away at how blown away you guys were.
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