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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Currently downloading: Brian Setzer - The Dirty Boogie
  2. Only if I pull a Jon Lutes.............
  3. I will only allow myself to see this at the IMAX theater, and hopefully that somehow happens within a few days.
  4. I heard he nicknamed the Stingray, Moose Knuckle
  5. It's funny because it's true.
  6. I dont think I ever spoke to her so that should answer your question. You probably knew her though, she went to Regi. MaryJoMcMinimum or however you spell it.
  7. rubberdinghy ruined the internets.
  8. Grade 11, we are sitting around at the city track meet. This hottie from another highschool is running the 400. I go into a "Oh man, do I ever want to get into those drawers." rant. Buddy beside me is kicking me and I am saying "FUCK OFF MAN!" proceeding to profess my love for her physique and what I would do to it. Finally, I see his eyes and he is motioning behind me. Her dad is giving me the kill-look but he got his revenge. Big time. He was a phys-ed teacher at our school and the head coach of the senior football team. I got SEVERELY punished the next 2 seasons in practice. Stuff like 'non-contact punt return drills' would suddenly became "FUUUULL CONTAAAAACT" if I was taking the return. I lost a ton of snot during those sets of fall months. I learned a very valuable lesson but all those hits to the head caused me to forget it.
  9. That's what I am starting to think as well. It's high time I go see them live because that was kick-ass. Roger and Pete should have played in their spot and Pearl Jam should have closed.
  10. How great were Pearl Jam on this???? Totally great. I have never been that much of a fan but that was a couple of fantastic numbers.
  11. It's funny because it's true!
  12. Of course you do Sens phan. 2 less games (losses) against Les Brahs next year will make anyone happy.
  13. Bargain had a fantastic finish. Nate Mendel was killing it. I would love to see them play tons more because they were just getting warmed up, especially Taylor. And I wish Dave Grohl sang that second tune but whatya gonna do?
  14. It reairs at 11pm for those of you that spaced out playing NHL 2008. ::counts minutes::
  15. I forgot to add, THANKS NW!!!!! Currently downloading: Public Enemy - Fear Of A Black Planet
  16. As long as you smoke some bombers, it's a deal.
  17. I know we are talking about separate GM's here but Jason Blake and Jeff Finger say "No."
  18. Dont get mad at me. Dinghy started it with the Eklund postings. I just followed his lead.
  19. Yup. Great read. You need to submit more shit on here!
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