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Everything posted by Booche

  1. That was a fun game to watch.
  2. Yeah, ONLY sens fans.
  3. This is awesome. Both pieces are from today. First off, we have this article: Kirke: MAPLE LEAFS LIKELY TO FOLLOW RED WINGS' MODEL on the TSN website. But check this out from Steve Simmons in an article praising Red Wings scout Hakan Andersson: When Scotty Bowman considered leaving the Red Wings for a position with the Maple Leafs last summer, he wanted to take Andersson with him. Bowman asked the scout how much money he made and offered to almost double it. Good job spinning those wheels.
  4. I cant believe Bill Belichick took steroids! Oh wait. Yes I can.
  5. I hear Christine feels the same way most days.
  6. Dumbest.Question.Ever.
  7. Hey Jaimoe, it's your wife studying urban planning. Not you.
  8. Honestly, I could care less but Trey would certainly be playing with fire if he went on the road with them again. And this time he wont be so lucky if he gets nabbed with shit in his system.
  9. Hahahaha, yeah like that is something to be proud of. No one in Rich Stadium agrees with his takes!
  10. You obviously didnt get the fact I was mocking the CFL and their fans, retard.
  11. Fuck Damon. It was all about his brother.
  12. If you ask me, the A's got a deal and a half when they picked up Frank Thomas. Frank Thomas is back to his old ways since returning to the Bay Area with a big bushel of the Blue Jays' green. After hitting just .167 with three home runs and 11 RBI with Toronto, leading to his $8-million release after just 16 games, "The Big Hurt" is hitting .315 with the Athletics with four HR, 16 RBI and a .506 slugging percentage in 27 games.
  13. Dont feel bad phishtaper. I was sitting in a dentist chair watching a the National and the hygenist had to pull some metal thingie out of my mouth because I started laughing. Its fuckin' funny.
  14. That's right Gateaux. At least Jesus died for some of us and our sins.
  15. Recently Dead forum please.
  16. At least they dont cheat.
  17. Depending on Saturday, Sunday is a slim possibility for us. I would love to go. Beer prices are a buck and a quarter cheaper. Apparently the lines for the concession stands were quite long but that isnt too surprising. There will be a number of kinks to work out. It would be great to take in a game with you Hal. The park is awesome.
  18. I already emailed the cocksucker.
  19. The Herald apologized for one story. But the FACT remains the Pats are still cheaters.
  20. I crossed the border into Mexico once on foot through someplace in San Diego. It was similar to walking into a Future Shop. On the way back it was less similar. There was a HEAVY stream of foot traffic and the border guards simply yelled out "Does anyone have guns or knives?" I am positive things have changed since 1994.
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