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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Remember Daveyboy. Ollie is the same chick who complained about a terrible hangover after having 6 beers the night before. She obviously cant have 7 or 8.
  2. And you best hope that Alfie's hip is ok.
  3. Badams probably thought: This flat-chested chick has the hairiest tats I have ever tasted.
  4. If by sucker you mean saucy meat on a bone then I agree.
  5. Acres slayed me. See you on February 28th! I love this pic. I think Large Marge farted. Drunk as drunk as he's ever been. "That's a good song!"
  6. That's fucking embarrassing. At the veeeeeeeeeeery least, throw that shit on top of a hotdog.
  7. Booche

    Hal Johnson

    The difference is Brian Burke actually wanted Teemu but the good thing is that you should come really cheap.
  8. Wow. Congrats man! Welcome to the team. It may seem scarey and overwhelming at first but a good friend told me that between 6 months to a year you will learn how to deal with the new budget. He was right.
  9. I also phoned C-towns? Who didnt I call!
  10. Quoted for truth. You just best hope they eventually peak.
  11. That's right because no self-respecting GM would take on the remainder of that stupid contract. He aint going nowhere.
  12. Just a friendly reminder the reason behind the media's interest in this story.
  13. Sorry, you are right Ollie. The local media is out of control because there is absolutely nothing wrong with Emery's professionalism. Is this Stuntman Stu under Ollies name?
  14. It's starting again. Emery showed up late to practice today.
  15. Dear DaveO, That bit only works when it is funny. Signed, The Clones
  16. Way to leave out the context. We shat our pants because MattyC called Ovechkins move. Thats the only reason I phoned. The skills competition sucked major ass. No more phone calls for you. I am deleting your number and am inches away from deleting your email address as well.
  17. Booche

    Hal Johnson

    Well DaveO, its either him or this guy. I cant go much higher.
  18. The skills competition was a total embarrassment for the league. It was puke.
  19. nero was otherworldly last night. They took the bar and tore everyone to shreds. I am still beaming. "who knew Whitey could air-keyboard?!?" I certainly didnt! That man is talented.
  20. Happy bday Brian, great meeting you this weekend.
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