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Everything posted by Booche

  1. His excuse has always been weak. I dont think anyone could argue that shit.
  2. Thiisfuckingawful But can someone make a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram notification in hopes more people see this?
  3. Alright Ottawa boys, lets start one here called Breastival.
  4. Perhaps he didnt stay in top physical shape? Just you wait Bubba.........if Phil Kessel doesnt start paying attention to the signs his play/numbers are going to fall off the map quickly and dramatically.
  5. Love this version of Les Brahs. Its wonderful seeing my favorite team employ a GM like Bergevin after Gauthier. Lots of Habs fans are getting their wish right now as they have to play the rookies on the back end. Beaulieau is coming along nicely.
  6. Booche


    Back when he could still get one
  7. You guys just learning this now? Nate opened this world up to me about a year ago.
  8. Booche


    Awesome and congratulations! I can't believe Velvet hasnt made an appearance in one of these yet.
  9. You put yourself in that position, you deserve every punch you get. Edit: I saw a different angle than is posted here. This one looks awful and makes me review my opinion but I still feel that a presence onstage is sacred so I understand an artist becoming protective of themselves. Fuck.
  10. Booche


    All I see is..........
  11. I would dance to that Youtube video if it were faster.
  12. Well someone is going to have to before all the butt-hurt begins
  13. RnB: judging a guitar solo by its speed is like judging a novel by how well it was typed. Well in that case you should never listen to Charlie Parker.
  14. "strong herbals and the warm memories I was having while listening to Hamilton 1990 (first night)." Did you know this was out there? I had no idea until just now. Thanks Greg! Nice to see a Minglewood here, l always loved Brent Mydland solos on this song.
  15. I enjoy your opinions of 'insert show here' Jaimoe because they have always come across as honest and from your perspective. I want anyone who posts on this board who also ends up in Chicago to add what they saw happen.......especially Velvet. I trust this board which is why I still come.
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