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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Maybe you should make some entitled babies Ollie
  2. Obviously I have yet to figure out how to properly spend my time on a Saturday at midnight.
  3. You know what really grinds my gears? YOU! The members of this website. DaveO provides some great fodder for ya’ll to comment on and nothing happens. WTF is wrong with you people? I remember back in the day hanging onto that moment waiting for GentleMonkey to have me spitting water all over my monitor. Where in the fuck is ‘ersh trying to give the opposite side of the seedingly lecherous business practices of those who are financial bound to the Trews? Now things have dried up more than a nun’s (insert dry vagine joke here). Where have all the good times gone, by way of Van Halen or are they on Facebook as well? Please. Are you selfish Gonkers really that pretentious nowadays you need to post pictures and tell everyone how you had oeuf poche careme with blinis for breakfast? I don’t give a shit about your poached egg and salmon nestled in an artichoke heart surrounded by lashing of fresh truffle you phony fuck! Do you really need to be tweeting out that your bff just had a smelly number two which now makes him a Jabroni? I remember when this place was an actual community who were growing together but these days it feels like the goldrush has ended so HBO pulled the plug on Deadwood. Prince was right. The internet is a stupid fad and its just a singular vision now. I miss all ya’ll and that’s what really grinds my gears.
  4. #mathematicallyeliminated
  5. You're the fuckingman, man.
  6. The only thing that could possibly make that amazing gif better is if ganja boy was drinking Sizzurp.
  7. cough... bornandraisedinToronto ...cough I've heard him on the Team here in Ottawa. He's not trolling anybody. Remember the gladiator? Enough said.
  8. Weir did the day Jerry died. There arent any right answers. You do what it is you gotta do.
  9. LfuckingOL "Melnyk is so convinced that Pittsburgh’s Matt Cooke intentionally injured Sens’ defenseman Erik Karlsson last month that’s he’s commissioned a CSI-style forensic investigation to prove it." Hahaha. For reals yo. Oh, I will Eugene. I will.
  10. Feel the love between the two of you, let it grow
  11. Oh, we know you all right
  12. I've seen you be 'that guy' before and pull on lawns while tossin'em back.
  13. By not 'playing' you obviously arent referring to games on the 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st and the 24th of March as a Ranger.
  14. Watching the movie Life Of Pi Watching the Life Of Pie pornparody
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