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Everything posted by Cully

  1. I love Wolfgang's Vault. So much amazing music there. I am listening to a great playlist right now featuring guitar greats. Check it out (and if you don't know WV, DO IT NOW!!!) Guitar Greats
  2. I can't believe that people are fighting this....so disgusting. Canada is so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to wind harvesting. The residents are so worried about their lake-front view, boo fucking urns. Deal with it.
  3. wow, they are actually playing a show outside of Brantford!!! Congrats
  4. oh, you can swing all right... check your PMs
  5. The place has no character at all, the bars are positioned very poorly, and the sightlines are terrible. It also feels like they haven't cleaned the bathrooms since the 80s...
  6. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I am not a fan of the Phoenix at all. The sound was terrible, the layout is bad, and they only had 4 bartenders working a SOLD OUT show!!! Boo urns. The bands were great though, although I didn't hear one lyric from the Hold Steady. I felt the Truckers blew them out of the water....amazing set! It was so great to see so many familiar faces. Rock on everyone, rock on.
  8. Just talked to NW. We are all meeting up at Betty's 240 King St. West (around 6pm) Thomson, NewRider and everyone else is invited!!
  9. as long as you promise to fall off a chair (again) tonight...
  10. not sure my friend...nap first, then pints (lots of pints)
  11. he is on the road brother, just got a message from him (he has my ticket as well!!)
  12. he is on the road, just got a message from him.
  13. GAME ON!! If the show starts at 8:30pm, then the pre-party has to start....................NOW!!!
  14. Perhaps a cottage party is in order....skating on the lake, drinking cider by the fire, and DJ Friendly on the decks?
  15. The New Deal Live at The Warfield & Club Six on 2008-10-31 (October 31, 2008) Early: The warfield (Opening for Umphrey's McGee) Late: Club Six (Late night party after Umphrey's McGee) TND
  16. wish I could be there....have fun everyone!! Hopefully people will still be up when I role into Hamilton tommorow around 4:30pm!
  17. Happy belated....hope you had a good one!
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