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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Great show tonight. Knopfler has such an amazing command of the guitar. He played amazing slow tunes, great rockabilly numbers, and then shredded on a couple songs. His songs take you on a jouney, they have epic builds and you can tell that he is so passionate about his music (not just going through the motions night after night) Can't wait for his next show around these parts.
  2. There were some $11 tickets (pizzapizza promotion) but I guess they sold out. I ended up grabbing lawns for $37. Knopfler is totally worth the money, I love his tone!!
  3. Just got my tickets. I really want to get a TicketBastard shirt, 35 dollars in service fees for 2 tickets! Anyone else hitting this one up?
  4. wow. One of the best shows I have EVER seen. I am at a loss for words right now... What a great week, Malkmus, Knopfler and then Burt!
  5. Can't wait, going to the show with M!!!
  6. That was one of the sickest displays of hitting that I have ever seen. I had to change the channel after he was done...
  7. Gotta keep movin' On> Funk was the Name> Down w the Sound (old lyrics)> Torn and Frayed Funkin' Shoes> Johnny Latoque> Gonzalo
  8. Hope to hit this show up for sure. I love the album Real Emotional Trash!
  9. Happy Birthday brother. Can't wait for Friday!!
  10. I think that I might be in for this fest now!!
  11. The same guy who was pushing me around at his house! I have a bunch of bruises on my arm! I need a ride to this show...someone who is driving back right after as I have to work on Sun. Let me know!!
  12. Have a blast tonight at Bluesfest! Rock on my friend.
  13. Can't wait for participation Monday into whip-it Tuesday!!!
  14. Happy Birthday!!! See you tonight.
  15. I just found out that I have four days off starting on Saturday, and I would love to catch some good music and see some old friends. What is everyone saying?
  16. I liked the show, but I found it was a little lacking (probably due to the fact they were comming off a huge high from Bonnarro) The sound was way too loud, like Basher said it really hurt my ears. There wasn't any flow to the setlist and I found that I couldn't find a comfortable place to take in the show. The show did have great moments, some great peaks, but the energy was not always there. It was fun to hear some great tunes though, and it was great to see some familiar faces!
  17. I was wondering why the room smelled like pee...
  18. take the bus my friend, or train!
  19. Happy Birthday. Rock on.
  20. Happy be-lated my friend. Rock On.
  21. I wathced the Jays game last night on TSN, and I am already annoyed at how much the network used the song. It is going to be the next Macarena.
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