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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Not really my thing. My rather get out in the canoe...just wish that I had time to make friends with the owners of the two seaplanes that are docked two doors down - I have to move out later this week!! Thanks Brad, Sisters would be fun, way too hot in the city (especially at the Orbit room)
  2. Happy be-lated my friend. Can't wait to rock out with you this summer. Cheers.
  3. I haven't been to a show in a long, long time. Cottage life is great, a little lonely at times!! Is there anything going on in the city tonight that I should drive in for?
  4. Love the ticket price!! Going to grab a couple tommorow.
  5. Cully


    loved it. Didn't think I would, but I would probably see it again!
  6. Has anyone been playing with this yet?!?! It is amazing. telescope
  7. you're such a candy raver!
  8. I hope that Yonder is playing again. They always play great shows in the Square!
  9. I guess you have a point. Go Argos.
  10. Happy Birthday! Hope to see you soon. Rock on.
  11. djmelbatoast you are pretty bitter for someone who lives in Nanimo (or perhaps that explains a lot)
  12. Cully

    Totally Weird

    my birthday isn't until Sept 14. Thanks for the love though.
  13. Have a great day my friend. Cheers.
  14. The pitching has been stellar this season, the hitting will come. I do think they should trade A.J. while they can get something for him.
  15. I see a cake beside your name, so happy birthday you beautiful bastard. Cheers.
  16. Is it already that time!?! Just hope that I am not getting sick, eating some garlic right now and then off to bed... Game ON.
  17. Paul Simon - Rhythm of the Saints Tour - Skydome
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