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Everything posted by Cully

  1. You should get Fake Bobby to call in sick for you Schwa!!!
  2. Cully

    Disc Golf

    I have been working out...
  3. Cully

    Disc Golf

    I am a huge disc golfer. Go out to the centennial park course a lot with my Dad.
  4. good one dima, man you are such a loser.
  5. Save me Jebus... Plans changed at work and I didn't get to go to Church. I did have a great day colouring with crayons, dressing up Mr. Potatoe Head, and cleaning up feces, man I love my job!! Thanks for all the birthday wishes, you guys are AMAZING!! Cheers.
  6. I might have to hit this one up...worried that I won't make it to work tommorow morning though!!
  7. sorry bro, I have already had a couple drinks...no driving for me!!
  8. I need to be at work on Sunday at 10am...don't think that I can do it!
  9. This is my birthday weekend...going to a Pentacostal Church with work on my birthday on Sun (which should be an interesting experience!) I would love to see some music, and enjoy my last two days of being 31, man I feel old! Cheers.
  10. Man I miss the moe.down madness..."who likes stuff?!?!" "things are great!!" I miss you so much brother!!!
  11. Safe travels. See you for Panic on NYE!
  12. I will never go and see that band again. Lets just say that one of the members is a complete douchebag, and none of us on the board should support him. PM me if you want to know more details. Cheers. P.S. This is not a joke.
  13. I totally disagree with your post. That is all.
  14. What a great weekend. So I didn't find a heady wife, or a new kidney, but the scene was amazing. I think the fact that their wasn't a single nitrous ballon on the grounds had something to do with it!! Thanks to everyone who made the weekend so special Some Highlight include: -"I love fake Bobby!!" -A stellar swimming area -New Mastersounds...great funk -Watching Wavy Gravy try and figure out when he was supposed to talk in the mic - and watching his 'handler' -late-night jams around the fire have never sounded so great!! -CORNMEAL - off the charts -spending some quality time in the hammock, with Schwa playing guitbox for me. 'play some Hip' -walking around after dark in a sea of glow sticks, and those trippy flashlights - I want one!! -Getting sleep at a festival!! Cheers everyone, thanks for all the memories.
  15. Cully

    Grateful Fest

    Looks like I will be heading down with Max!!!
  16. Can't wait to see these guys again! One of my favourite live acts.
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