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Everything posted by Cully

  1. BURN! We will see how I feel after Ween in Toronto.
  2. When they played it their last show, Shelby sang and they had a ton of guests. This was classic old school burt (they were as messed up as they used to get!!!) I am happy to report that table 23 were all champions that night and we all ended up boozing until daybreak!!
  3. I haven't been around a computer for a while, so I thought that I would post about Jer's Wedding last Sunday evening at the Eglinton Theatre in Toronto. It was one of the best weddings I have EVER been too. There were around 250 guests, they had a band playing during the prossesion, who played the Theme from Family Ties and many other perfect wedding songs and even teased Stairway to Heaven when Jer was comming down the isle! The ceremony was beautiful, Jer and Amy both looked amazing. After cocktail hour, it was time for the party (and to eat dinner) The rest of the Burties, M, Scott Farmer, myself and our dates all sat at table 23...our slogan was 'pace yourself table 23!!' Dinner was great. During the break between each course, The wedding band, featuring Sandy of One Step Beyond fame, would rock the house with killer tunes. They kept the crowd dancing all night. Later in the evening, the Burties took the stage for three songs. They did a super version of Don't Do It, In the Belly and then later came out and played Funkin' Shoes (for the firt time in years) Best wishes go out to Jer and Amy. Thanks for all the booze, and all the fun. It was great to get the old gang together and party down. All the best to you in the future. Burt Neilson Band 10-07-07 Don't Do It In the Belly Funkin' Shoes!!!
  4. I have been to a sisters show... not sure I am in the mood tonight. Yes I do have a job still, but don't work till Wednesday!!
  5. Does anyone want to do a shotgun with me!?! Thanks for the memories my friends!!
  6. Anyone know any good hotels or websites for last min hotel deals? I think that a good hotel room party is in order!!!
  7. I am hanging with Brie and my folks right now...and then we want to paint the town red (or amber)
  8. What it the LA guitar quartet all about? Anyone. P.S. I imagine that there are four of them and they play guitar...
  9. Anything going on tonight in T.O.? Anyone rocking out?
  10. congrats. Wish that I got a chance to see more of you guys!!!
  11. Hey Baj, don't you know that you aren't supposed to grab onto the side of the raft!!!
  12. Cully


    I still don't know what you see in him moe.ron... (bitch) Congrats on the new job Jay. Good luck and have fun!!
  13. Congrats my friend. Now you can finally pay me back for all those crazy nights!!
  14. Alexis and I had some fun...but decided to bow out early (we both have a big day today). The first couple tunes ripped it hard, and then the singer came out and changed the dynamic. Too bad about the turnout. Rock on. The show started at 9:20pm
  15. Come on people. This show is going to be AMAZING!!
  16. I should be able to make it out for this. Bring on the good times!!
  17. I have a feeling it will be an intimate gathering!! After I am going to hit up Small Sins...should be a great night.
  18. yup. Alexis I got two tickets for the show. Call me when you are on your way.... Lets do it people!!
  19. your such a 'cell phone guy' now Schwa!!
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