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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Can't wait for this one....
  2. Yes, yes I would. Bring on some 'new' bands around Toronto!!!
  3. Cully


    Wisers for me, all the way!!
  4. Should be a great night!!!
  5. No, it was parked on Spadina. I learned my lesson (cost me about 300 bucks for a stupid mistake)
  6. Things are all good... got my car towed after the Burt show and spent the better part of the day tracking it down (waiting for money to get it out!!) Had one of the worst days in a while, but things are looking up. Cheers everyone.
  7. thanks for the tips everyone.
  8. Half-way done my work shift and then off to the show!!!
  9. I have to work an 8-8pm shift, and then I am headed in to the city. Take the BUS!!
  10. I miss my roomate! My fav cougar...
  11. I just got a labtop and I want to get an external hard drive (around 300 gigs). Anyone have a recommendation?
  12. So excited for this show tonight. Bring on the Burt!!
  13. sorry to be a negative Nancy (the role usually played by Alexis) Great to see everyone. Hope to see A LOT of people out for the Burt show tonight!!
  14. I thought that this years festival was kind of weak, considering you could hear the highway from almost anywhere in the campground and it just didn't have a great festival vibe. The music was good. Fun times, but hopefully they can find a better location for next years event.
  15. Happy birthday. Have a great day!!
  16. Cully

    Good Morning!

    Good morning everyone. Life is grand on the farm. Can't wait to see everyone at LYS after work tonight!! Congrats Tooly, and eveyone else have a great day!!
  17. what a great night. So good to see so many people out. The band looked like they had a blast, and I loved the shirts they made up for their Canadian Tour (2 dates!!!)
  18. Baj did call the bar...but I am still not sure. Anyone live close to the shoe and can check this shit out? Or does anyone know Brad M.s cell number?
  19. sounds like a great night out to me!!! See you soon bro.
  20. I have to been a work for 9am tommorow, so I can't help tonight. But I will have some beers with you at the show!!!
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