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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Cully

    Family Day?

    I don't understand what all the fuss is over family day. We can all use a long weekend in Feb, and if you have to work it is nice to make time and a half!! Enjoy your day people.
  2. Thanks Brad, but I will probably pass on that show. I love my femi/fela Kuti CDs, but I am not a huge fan of afro-beat. Cheers.
  3. For once in a blue moon I have a Friday off. Anything going on?
  4. that warms my heart on this cold winters day.
  5. I live super close to Rama. I can sleep 6 in my little cottage. Lets do it.
  6. My buddy Dan was in the last movie. He was the dude behind the counter at White Castle...
  7. thanks for the advice. Rock on.
  8. Help a brother out... RAR files?
  9. I think that we would all pass the test.
  10. Does anyone have a pic of the shirt I was wearing on Day 2?
  11. yes. yes it would. Thanks for the love everyone.
  12. Not the case WITW. I feel great after the weekend, it put a smile on my face...but for the last month it has been pretty brutal.
  13. This year has been brutal for the winter blahs...no sun, feel isolated living up North with all the snow!! Also there have been no concerts (except the Nero weekend which was great, but went by way too fast) It has really brought me down. anyone else suffering?
  14. sometimes you are soooo gay (not that there's anything wrong with it...)
  15. Have a great tour. Finally, you kicked the weakest link out of the band...tee hee.
  16. Congrats my dear. It's all happening...
  17. Happy Birthday brother. See you at the bar...
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