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Everything posted by Cully

  1. I can't make this show. Give them to someone else please. Cheers.
  2. Just wondering if anyone was planning on hitting this show? I believe that it is an early show, starts at 7:15pm. I hope to see some of you beautiful people out!!!
  3. Happy Birthday brother... Have a blast!!
  4. The lens barrel is a little bent, so I am not sure how serious it is....
  5. I have a Canon camera that needs some attention after moe.down and I was wondering if anyone could suggest a place. Cheers. P.S. Check out my birthday photos
  6. I haven't been around a computer for a couple days....thanks for all the Birthday love. I miss ALL of you, and can't wait until the next time we get to shotgun some beers. Cheers. Got to love the mini keg!!! But this is what happens!!
  7. Cully

    ~Burning Man~

    no wonder you are so messed up Schwa!!
  8. Ha Ha the Moose Aug 31,2007 01. Intro 02. Ha Ha the Moose 03. 10 Things Vinnie is Almost Likely to Say 04. Mr. Her 05. Redneck Surrender 06. In the name of freedom? 07. instramental (White Rabbit esqe ?) 08. Devil Toad 09. "*" Apostrophe 10. Tijuanna Donkey Show 11. AWESOME GARY moedown show
  9. This is still my fav Ryan Adams show. The magnolia mountain kicks ass....no other one compares. Ryan Adams Live at Das Haus on 2006-10-17 Ryan Adams
  10. Cully

    ~Burning Man~

    glad you have landed back on this planet!!
  11. You'va got to love the wook foot!! LARRY! Everything got a little blurry!!!
  12. what happened to you at burning man?
  13. poweramp works like a dream!! I love drinking and downloading!!
  14. got it...thanks a lot my friends. Cheers.
  15. I am not sure how to convert shns to wav with this progam....too much wine!!
  16. It says that an error has occured when I download it from the pcworld site...
  17. Is is easy to use? I have had a couple glasses of wine...
  18. The program doesn't work from the site anymore. I used to use mkwACT, loved it. Once you download it from the website it gives you an error message.
  19. It doesn't work anymore at the etree site...
  20. Quite a battle going on right now with Marcum and the Bo soxs.
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