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Everything posted by Cully

  1. I have been listening to my fav old Burt shows this afternoon and fuck do I ever miss these guys. Please play another show (soon)
  2. I look so sober in that pic! That was certainly a great weekend. Enjoy the fest Fisty. I hope to see you guys sometime this summer.
  3. 500th home run for Thomas! Go Jays Go.
  4. Hey Baj and CS...have you guys ever heard of a phone (or messenger?) Tee hee. Have a blast!!!
  5. I love that song...I also want to request Crashing and some Bob Seger!!
  6. Sweet tokes. I love shows where you can yell out songs, and he plays them (if he can remember the words!!!)
  7. Tonight folks. Some of my fav shows over the last couple years have been Mike shows. Anyone else going to make it out?
  8. Have a great day bro. Try not to pass out in the sun!!
  9. What an amazing performance. Listened to it on the radio at the farm. I love how Jerry calls the game!
  10. Fuck yeah. Can you say Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Jays are back on track.
  11. what time and where is the bar?
  12. I am off work early and have to pick up a couple friends at the airport at 1:30am. Any music going on tonight in T.O.?
  13. you should know by now that the music is for the fans and not for those who write it!!
  14. They are such amazing musicians!! This is the best stuff they have put out in years. The lyrics in the last couple of albums have been WEAK!!! Bring on the chill jams!
  15. Don't read into it at all. I just wish there was a soundboard recording, that is all!!
  16. No offense Brad, but the sound just isn't that great (due to crowd noise and perhaps the sound system)
  17. I wish there was a soundboard recording of this show! Great video, but no good audio (sorry Bradm but you do have to agree)
  18. This was just posted on craigslist... 'I'm selling a pair for tonight's show for $240. I will not split them into singles' These people SUCK!
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