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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Has anyone won anything? I used to a couple years ago, but I haven't one anything in years, and I win everything! My Dad and I only won two muffins the last time it came around, and we are coffee addicts! I even had an ex who worked at Timmy's, not to mention names, and I still didn't win!!
  2. Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well!
  3. If your puppy is suffering, then I say that you should make the call. The longer you wait, the tougher it is to make. Know that you are doing this to stop the pain, not as a way out. Be strong and know that you have friends around who care.
  4. wow, can you save me a dance?
  5. I am so sorry about this man, it sucks. All I can say is don't fight any emotions that are comming to you, I went from mad to sad in a second. I surrounded myself with good family and friends for a LONG TIME after we put Kaya down and trust me, it does get easier. I had to change my routine when we put Kaya down (had to break my daily schedule because Kaya was such a big part of it - and everything made me think of her) As people have said, focus on the good times. Make the most of the moments that you have right now, and do not let yourself be tricked into thinking your puppy will get better if this is Ziggy's time (my Dad had a very hard time flip/flopping on the issue of getting Kaya euthanized - which made it A LOT harder) I had to put away pics of my puppy, still haven't taken some out of storage, which helped me. I didn't want to forget about her...I just didn't want to be reminded about the situation all the time. I couldn't have her euthanized at home cause we thought that we would be reminded about what happened there over and over. Some people suggested taking Kaya to her fav place to be put down, some vets will travel. Take care man, and please PM me if you need ANYTHING.
  6. my friend works at The Edge 102.1
  7. Just got a free ticket...so pumped (except that it is at the Phoenix!!)
  8. thanks, I always check out Now....I am hoping there might be a show in the Hammer, Guelph or something like that.
  9. I have a day off, one night only before I head back up to the farm, and I would love to see some live music. Is there anything going on tonight?
  10. Cully

    I am upset!!

    Cheers everyone. Thank the lord for Stairway>Freebird.
  11. Cully

    I am upset!!

    check you Pm's YATS. I would love for you to move in. I feel better already.
  12. Cully

    I am upset!!

    I don't mean to 'pull a Luke' right now, but I am so upset. Too many of my friends don't answer their phones any more, and that makes me sad. There are just so many 'politics' right now. I just got a great new job and things should be so good, but all this bullshit is dragging me down. Sorry for my rant... note to self - do not vent on a public message board (sorry about that!)
  13. Good old Charlie. Luke bashing.
  14. stand-up bass at a campfire jam!
  15. I hope it was fun. Happy Birthday.
  16. This is about 10 min away from the Farm I am working at!!!
  17. Cully


    "The internet, is that thing still around?" Welcome.
  18. sure you can, lets go out with a 'bang' at 1017!!
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