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Everything posted by Cully

  1. I really want to find the shirt that says TICKETBASTARD on it. I used to see them on lots. I also would love to get the shirt with Jesus diving in front of a soccer net that says "Jesus Saves" Does anyone know where I could get these shirts?
  2. G.Love and Special Sauce January 31, 2007 House of Blues San Diego, CA. 1 rappin beats 2 dont drop it 3 back of the bus 4 banger 5 thanks and praise 6 hot cookin 7 kick drum 8 honor and harmony 9 blues music 10 wild side 11 booty call 12 cold beverage 13 still hagin around 14 sunshine 15 beautiful~~ 16 i like it** 17 mellow mood** 18 Paid in Full 19 holla 20 astronaut 21 last jam G Love
  3. I just got back from Blooming Acres (my job working with autistic children) and it was AMAZING! I had such a good time that I didn't want to come back when my three day shift was done. It was so much fun hanging out with the kids and getting paid to play board games, do farm chores and play guitar. I have to thank phunkyb for the hook up. Life is good. Cheers.
  4. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!
  5. Anybody else sick of hearing about this shit? Enough already!
  6. It was a great show though! One of the best I was at, but I don't remember the end of the first set!
  7. Someone handed me a bowl at a phish show 12-29-98 (when I was sitting by myself 10th row dead centre) and didn't tell me that there was DMT in it. A friend found me at setbreak just staring into space and he realized what was going on. It was some crazy shit!
  8. I forgot about that gig opening up for Mini Kiss...should be a blast!! I really want to open with Carry On Wayward Son.
  9. Fuch Yeah buddy!! I have always wanted to hit one of these up.
  10. Lets do it brother. The boys from Boston are in as well. You have to bring the sun tent this time!!!
  11. I know that this shoudn't be funny brother...but it is. Take Care. Remember, as someone said once, A bitch is a bitch is a bitch (not that I look at women that way at all) Now I know why I am lonely today as well!!
  12. I think that you mean Bette Midler. But it is the thought that counts!
  13. I will be thinking about you and Carrie all day!! Take care and enjoy some sweet tokes for me!! Cheers.
  14. Chin up. Gotta Get Better In a Little While (I love that song!!)
  15. Cully


    WOW!! Strap on the snowshoes!
  16. He is a wimp. You should knit a sweater for him!!
  17. Cully


    I am pretty sure that boiler rat is going as well. So Basher has time to go to Langerado, but not to respond to posts on this board? Weak!!!
  18. I have never seen someone 'almost' fall down so many times. I remember when you finally did, everyone grabbed their cameras and took pictures!
  19. Sorry, I meant: Clandestino I need to get another copy of this album. It is great for summertime lounging, drinking Sangria!!
  20. I saw him at the Montreal Jazz fest. It was like being at a Quebecois Phish show. I have never seen so many dreads and dubes (and hot, hot women!)
  21. well he does have a house on the Bridal Path. I think he lives two doors down from Keith Richards (seriously)
  22. Cully


    Your dealer delivered when you were 16? Lucky guy!!
  23. It is sunny in Toronto. Seriously though, it is hasn't snowed at all!
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