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Everything posted by Cully

  1. you really have to stop living through your siblings
  2. what the hell are you talking about?
  3. The etree site link does not work. Are there any other programs for coverting Shn files that are easy? Cheers.
  4. sounds like fun. Gotta love the zeppelin!!!
  5. sounds like one that you don't want to 'puff down' and watch!
  6. Cully


    You really do have a split personality!
  7. They have been playing acoustic sets all tour at record stores.
  8. Cully

    30's the new 20

    Just like you are the new Phil Collins...
  9. sweet tokes my friend, sweet tokes!
  10. I count 8 by zero on the first page....and I thought Jaydawg was bad!
  11. Have room for a newly employed skank?
  12. I am thinking about hitting this one up as well. Is there any crash space around town?
  13. Is this the video from the day after the Nero weekend?
  14. Cully


    I GOT THE JOB!!! Thanks for all the heady vibes folks. The interview went so well, they hired me on the spot. This has been one of the best days in a long, long time. Enjoy your weekend folks, I know that I will!!!
  15. I hate that there are so many games on Leafs TV this season!
  16. Happy belated B-Day. Cheers.
  17. I am comming out of retirement again! I have a job interview tommorow at a farm near Barrie, working with austic children. I would work three 12hr shifts a week doing outdoor activities with the kids and sleeping over. The pay is great and there are full benefits. Wish me luck. Cheers.
  18. Thanks for an amazing weekend (yes I didn't get home until Tuesday night as well) Big thanks to everyone who put the shows on. The Fatties were great on Friday, and it was fun to see Hefner and What the Thunder Said on Sat. Both bands have improved SO MUCH since I last got a chance to see them. I would also like to thank everyone at Herb street (and Tigger and Kieth) for all the fun. I love hanging out in K-Town!!
  19. Sometimes I hate my friends..
  20. Hey ladies, want a bite?!?
  21. I look so sober!!! Great show.
  22. 'and then he fed us pancakes..."
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