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Everything posted by Cully

  1. now that is funny...good show!!
  2. working with autistic children has taught me to enjoy the simple pleasures in life... Like an amazing thunder storm!!
  3. Can't wait. See you soon my friends...
  4. Friends don't let friends go on Cheese tour.
  5. I have won a ton of things from this website!!
  6. I can't wait till I get to fly to Montreal for Ween!! Fuck Yeah!
  7. Cully


    I can't wait for this show. We are flying in from T.O. for this one, rock and roll style. Should be a fucking blast!
  8. Have fun everyone. I wish that I could make it. ROCK ON!
  9. Now that was funny! Have a great weekend everyone. Rock on.
  10. after party at c-towns place... do it!!
  11. Go and check out JPE and Pete Elkas for sure!!
  12. you actually spelled everything correctly...and your use of punctuation has improved as well!!! Maybe all the Wassabi is doing something good for you after all!
  13. Go Jays Go. After a rough start that boys are getting down to business.
  14. It is great to see that not much has changed around here!!! Take is easy people...enjoy the sunshine.
  15. I am in town, but still fighting a nasty cold. I hope to hit up Umphreys in Buffalo next Thursday and I am in for Ween in Montreal!!!
  16. I changed it to "a residential care facility" for you babe!!! I will have access next week I hope!!!
  17. As you all know I work at a residential care facility, at a farm outside Orillia, and I don't have internet access (which will hopefully change very soon). I miss the board, especially all the internet fights that I used to get in. Oh the memories...battling with Kung, Jared and making fun of Jaydawgs bumping of posts. Those were the days. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I miss you (most of you) and hope to be back picking fights on here really soon!!
  18. Are you finally getting your hair cut hippy?
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