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Everything posted by Cully

  1. You speak the truth my friend. I agree that it sucks!!
  2. When you have experienced as many 'bad touches' as I have in the States from security guards, and watched buddies go to Jail over nothing, I really don't think that the security guards at the Opera House are that bad. You just have to look them in the eye, be courteous, and HIDE EVERYTHING REALLY WELL!
  3. I never found the search to be that bad at all. Just don't be stupid and put a joint behind your ear (or in you smoke pack!)
  4. Three game suspension sounds good to me. Oh and William, you sound really bitter and angry. Just go and rub one out!
  5. I almost fell off my chair looking at this picture again. It is Prost wearing the S.W.A.T or Super Wicked Attack Team vest. I can just hear him saying "Pure West" in his best Adam West voice. There are so many great memories from that weekend!!
  6. I love this pic. I was pointing out how patchy Gav's beard was!!! Last years boat cruise was EPIC!! It was so much fun we stayed an extra night!
  7. man I wish I could have been there. Did anyone tape it?
  8. Cully

    In The Morning

    Not that this is related at all, but I love the album At Dawn by My Morning Jacket. That is all.
  9. I have the 'traded' version. I love when he says, "This is a new song I wrote on my ranch" and then goes into Old Man!
  10. Does anyone want this, I have had it for a while.
  11. If anyone wants to make a heady trade, lets do it!!
  12. My favourite moment was when JT was performing and he was holding that pinhole camera, WORST CAMERA EVER. He looked hilarious!!
  13. I think that you have already had enough.
  14. That was EASY, and the program looks a lot cooler as well!
  15. Thanks bro...how are you these days? I think that we need to 'hit' up another festival this summer!!
  16. umm...Sarah...who got kicked out at Groundhog Fest?!? We all make mistakes!!
  17. I wish that I had taken some photos at all the dressup parties at 1017! Sweet revenge.
  18. I haven't partied in a while my friend. I was in bed @ 10:30pm last night, up at 8:30am!!!
  19. Does anyone have another program that I can try?
  20. I still can't get it to work..it downloads but the installer thingy never comes up. Shitty buzz.
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