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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Keep out of this Mr. Moustache!
  2. You can't seriously want to ban alcohol. It tastes great, makes women appear more attractive, and makes a person virtually invulnerable to criticism.
  3. Happy Birthday my friend!!! Cheers.
  4. Happy Birthday!!! I wish that I could celebrate it with you! Have a blast...
  5. The show was AMAZING at the ACC. I don't even care if there was some lip-synching...
  6. Sounds like you showed her a GREAT time!!
  7. Do they need money or what?!? Roth CAN'T sing anymore...
  8. you look so different without the mustache!!
  9. It looks like there is going to be a pre and post get together at 1017 (both of the roomates are out of town!!) The place is a bit of a mess but FUCK IT, the show is right across the street! Please bring extra beer for a very poor host...
  10. I am thinking about having some pre-drinks at 1017. PM me if you are interested. My phone is not working right now. Cheers.
  11. My Morning Jacket - At Dawn This album is AMAZING!!!
  12. Just start a new account Brad!! Maybe this could be a 'fresh start' for you!!
  13. I love Phish...there I said it.
  14. Happy Birthday my friend... I hope that you are still raging from the weekend!!!
  15. I have access to a car. Do you have to be back tommorow kookycanooky? I am planning to stay over in the Hammer tonight. PM me if you wish.
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