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Everything posted by Cully

  1. What a great way to start off the day!!!
  2. Too bad about the really, really small venue. I thought the show in December was great, but there was little or no room to move (or even sit down)
  3. Now that my computer is working and I have access to a cheap music site I will be grabbing around 5 albums a week and probably around 10 shows.
  4. We are still trying to figure out our new router. She should be on the internet today (is that thing still around?)
  5. Phish 6/20/97 Divadlo Archa- Prague, Czech Republic Disc 1: Set I 1) Taste 2) Cities Intro Jam -> 3) Cities > 4) Horn -> 5) Ain't Love Funny* -> 6) Limb By Limb -> 7) I Don't Care > 8) Run Like an Antelope Disc 2: Set II 1) David Bowie 2) Ghost 3) Bye Bye Foot 4) Ginseng Sullivan 5) Cavern 6) Twist > 7) Bouncing Around the Room > 8) Julius Disc 3: Encore: 1) When the Circus Comes 2) Rocky Top See Bit Torrent forum.
  6. I was at that show and holy shit it was AMAZING!!!
  7. Best Gin ever 12-29-95 Bathtub Gin-> The Real Me-> Bathtub Gin I have a sweet SBD of the second set (anyone want to make a trade?)
  8. Great show for sure. Elliot Brood was amazing (that guys voice is so crazy!!!) I can't wait to see them and the River again! Oh yeah, I also loved to modern dance troop and the woman who cooked with beer. "Some people wonder why I cook with beer?!?" Scott Miller: "Beause you want to get wasted!!!"
  9. Good game last night...great to see Kubina get some goals!!
  10. Homer: We're going out, Marge! If we don't come back, avenge our deaths! Marge: [from inside the kitchen] All right!
  11. Did you have some Whiskey for Breakfast?!?
  12. Thats it, I am never going to another Burt show again!! Is Wassabi touring right now?
  13. I have to get some music from you NewRider!
  14. I thought that Phix where pretty good when they played at the Opera House a couple years ago. I remember that nobody wanted to go at first, but then people decided to check it out and were super impressed! They did a great job playing some really difficult Phish tunes.
  15. I agree with Baj!! The last time I saw them, at the Rivoli, I was not impressed with their new 'indy' sound.
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