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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. way better news! you'd better have a nap on the way up though Doug.
  2. I believe there are still $75 advance tickets available at Shady Grove or Where James Lloyd Meets in the Hammer.
  3. Just noticed its $100 at the gate?? How much is Jaydawg charging to play in two bands nowadays?
  4. I'm excited to finally see The Idlers and that the steel drumming of Dirk Quinn Band is back. The Subterraineans really impressed me when they opened for the Fatcats a while back in Hamilton, they're getting their jams tighter by the show, too bad they're on so early. Whose got my heady anything?
  5. boourns, anyone want to get us a pair as I won't be around a computer either?
  6. I noticed the roof was open at the dome today. That is all.
  7. Now let's get back to hockey you fucking whiners.
  8. Thats some high quality whining right there.
  9. I really can't say much about the game other than the end result as I've only seen the highlights. NEWSFLASH! Ref's miss calls for all teams all the time, whine all you want its not going to change anything ever.
  10. pretty shitty game winning goal if you ask me. How much shit did your awesome fans trash in their own city last night? I didn't get to watch the game as I was driving back from the Soo and couldn't find the game anywhere on the radio last night.bunk.
  11. c-towns


    This guy was over-seeing my work today, I considered hitting him with my work truck but he took off before I could find my keys.
  12. c-towns


    worked for your wife...
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