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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. same boat for me except i'm having banner problems.
  2. Unless it's these guys http://www.myspace.com/unseenstrangers you shouldn't get another opener.
  3. get rid of that plants and animals thing, I can't access the search function among other things hanging out up there.
  4. Luke was probably chasing after him for an interview.
  5. c-towns

    Good vibes?

    did you look that up or are you assuming?
  6. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter sir.
  7. Does the Beckett Guide still exist? I used to buy/sell cards for a while back in 91-94 all the time, I should pull my cards out and take a look sometime, mostly hockey though.
  8. c-towns

    Good vibes?

    I just got goosebumps. creep.
  9. c-towns

    Good vibes?

    ^^our tax money hard at work^^
  10. I didn't actually make it out but I emailed the organizer to attend and he said it was cool for people to come and BYOB.
  11. c-towns

    Good vibes?

    I deliver mine through the sewer systems.
  12. He may be referring to your general wind-bagged-ness.
  13. c-towns

    Good vibes?

    You need to fill out an application at a vibe bank.
  14. One of the greatest players of my time, cheers indeed.
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