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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. Horseshoe resort outside of Barrie is pretty sweet and I can second Nottawasaga.
  2. and lets see all of the crotch shots you were taking with your camera.
  3. Who are you trying to kiss space cadet?
  4. I think the idea is you need a vagina in your act to hit the stage... I'm out.. That was a smooth transition from the closet.
  5. c-towns


    best I could do without the original.
  6. I think that may eliminate 1/2 of the people we have in here I know, I find it hard to listen to the windbags on here that think they know about sports they have never played seriously.
  7. c-towns


    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Rosemary Foccacia loaf sliced length wise, made into a bbq chicken pizza. Delicious.
  8. The only time I saw these guys they were throwing (what looked to be) doobies at the crowd.
  9. Looks like I'll be away for work. maybe.
  10. Never knew the guy, but I wish there were more people in my life like this.
  11. Rich Stadium shouldn't even have public access if you ask me, we could start our own kind of legion except instead of war veterans we'd only accept lot veterans who have actually taken part in organized sport.
  12. Anyone in the Hammer wanna drink early?
  13. What is the capacity of Finger Lakes, I can't seem to find it on the interweb.
  14. Keep up the good work ya tosser.
  15. Are the Greek and Telluride shows going to be the toughest to get capacity wise? After last years experience, I might just buy all my tickets in the lot for $20 a piece.
  16. I do not have a 21 year old daughter.
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