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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. I got some action in grade 4 for signing some New Kids posters and telling some girls i met the guys over the weekend at a show in Detroit.
  2. Wouldn't that be the source of your goat?
  3. Wouldn't that be an obstruction penalty?
  4. Quite possibly the last couch shitting party ever, come one come all.
  5. Tomorrow night! I read that The Key Frames were opening, sounds cool. http://www.myspace.com/thekeyframes I want my $40 and a Tom Sawyer Eddie!
  6. Hat found but I still don't feel like a winner.
  7. That was pretty painful, but I'm not a huge fan of Genesis and wasn't overly familiar with the tune selections. The Sound quality was horrific but I was watching it through a guys laptop camera. I was loving the twitter feed rolling down the side of the screen I was watching as it was going on. Best quote I read; "Whose wedding is this?"
  8. c-towns


    Thats usually what you get any time you drink "grape punch"
  9. c-towns


    hippies. Its just apples soaked in grape stuff.
  10. c-towns


    Anyone try these suckers out? http://www.grapplefruits.com/index.html I think it smells like a grape but doesn't really taste like one.
  11. Apperently Scotty Mac got to drunk to make it out.
  12. Not to mention the spelling/grammar is not nearly sketchy enough to be Scot Reagans.
  13. How many games is that bullshit worth?
  14. Who's got the birthday dog's hat? Llama, taboot taboot.
  15. I guess my gentle ribbing was thrust upon tender ribs. mmmmmm.ribs.
  16. check it out. http://www.myspace.com/leatherjowels
  17. Anyone ever seen the guys? http://www.myspace.com/papagrooveband
  18. Ouch, I guess I'll come after nine to ensure you're in bed...
  19. Guess I'd better move away so people aren't confused.
  20. *COL. BRUCE HAMPTON, DIESEL DOG: May 8th @ This Ain't Hollywood. Plus more tba... People may have missed this in the other thread it was in.
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