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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. That skeleton race last night was seriously exciting to watch, GO CANADA!
  2. pffffftt, you'd cry like a baby if you took that stick to the face. Does it make you feel good to hate one of the greatest players of our time?
  3. Thorton needs to shoot the fuckin puck, sure he gets a million assists but he rarely shoots when a shot is obviously warrented. Very frustrating to watch, Pierre can still go to hell.
  4. I don't like when they play weak teams to open these tournaments, it totally throws their timing off, they don't get up to full speed. It's not a good way to get ready for the powerhouses we're sure to face. The passing leading up to Iginla's second goal was as good as it gets though. I think the other groups are going to be way more ready to play.
  5. "I can't believe she returned the tank either"
  6. Sonic Garden show is like 1-3 blocks from shea's and the hyatt. I feel a Shakedowwwwwnnnnnnn....
  7. It doesn't get cold enough there to be uncomfortable unless something freak rolls through.
  8. Family day is in AB also, maybe with all of this free time I should just look it up.
  9. I thought this was actually an official stat now' date=' but that most employers choose to give workers the Aug 1 Civic Holiday off instead..?? I am at work. And I will be glad I was on August 1![/quote'] Ahhhh, you may be right on that. Just give me both days off greedy company.
  10. your company/organization is to blame unless family day is not recognised at all by NB, in that case, booourns.
  11. He used to be in a band that is popular on this board...
  12. Anyone else besides the rat and I working? This is borrrrrrrrring.
  13. p.p. is one of the only people on this board that actually live there and I'm sure you know who he is.
  14. James "Buster" Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson Here's what happened...
  15. I'm surprised they're keeping that video up, looks like me might have died instantly.
  16. I just saw that Galactic is playing with Amimal Liberation Orchestra (ALO) on Feb 25th as part of the Olympics. I'd check that out, ALO just released a new album on Tuesday that I should check out too.
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