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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. I've got a room for rent still...
  2. This is boooooooring so far.
  3. c-towns


    I had some wicked organic chicken wings with a mexican mole the other day. Good shit.
  4. I've got an epic blockbuster in the works if someone would man-up. you know who you are.
  5. Fuuuuck is right! Way to go Syd! I love this country, I've been out in Calgary for the last 4 days raging with old friends, watching the games with anywhere from 15 to 1500 people at once. Rocked The Ho with White Cowbell Oklahoma. Ate duck, chicken, bison and grade A alberta beef for dinner last night and finished it off with white russian vanilla ice cream sundaes. GOLD!
  6. I need a list of these casual hockey fans you speak of.
  7. I try not to read your drivel anyway.
  8. I'd like to figure out the problem.
  9. I guess you don't know the real me then.
  10. Why do these always slow my machine down so much? NW's avatar is doing it to me now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  11. It sounded like Boyle played a good game to me.
  12. Roller needs to stick with the AHL, I think the NHL calibre of hockey is too much for his child-like emotions. I had to listen to most of the game on the am dial so I couldn't really determine how good the Canadians scoring chances were having outshot the US 2-1, every play sounds exciting on the radio. Brodeurs half ass clearing attempt on the second goal and his sloppy puck handleing early on had me believing that we were done for.
  13. Happy Birthday! Have fun today, wish I could have made it.
  14. Sweet Jeebus, 106 posts in less than 7 hours. Yes, Hate him all you want but Low Roller is the gayest poster of our time weather you're a real hockey fan or an AHL fan. I'm not a fan of Ovechkin's stupid antics on the ice but he is also one of the greatest. I was a Lemieux fan over a Gretzky but he was still the greatest player of all time, slightly ahead of Roller's all-time great Terran Sandwith. I still believe I gave Lindros his 6th concussion when I hit him in the head with a beer cap from across GT's Roadhouse in Chatham back in '99 GO CANADA!
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